Sunday, April 21, 2024

COTD - OP08-034 Wanda & OP08-036 Electrical Luna



Green Character

1 Cost / 2000 Power (Slash)


[Counter +1000]

[On Play] Look at 5 cards from the top of your deck; reveal up to 1 {Minks} type card other than [Wanda] and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order.

Electrical Luna

Green Event / 3 Cost


[Main] All of your opponent’s rested characters with a cost of 7 or less do not become active during your opponent’s next refresh phase.

[Trigger] Rest up to one of your opponent’s characters.

Just a Mink searcher and an Event card. I won't be talking much about the searcher because it is standard for specific type of decks. I will be talking is the Event card. Reading the effect makes me want to use this in my Doffy build, so Birdcage is not the only one that will be stopping my opponent's attacks. Plus this is way cheaper than Birdcage especially if your opponents decided to go for the early attacks. I can see this card being used in a lot of decks that focus on resting as being able to stop your opponents from attacking for a turn can help tremendously when it comes to survival.


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