Wednesday, April 17, 2024

COTD - OP08-029 Pekoms


Green Character

4 Cost / 6000 Power (Strike)

Minks / Big Mom Pirates

As long as this Character is active, your cost 3 or less {Minks} type Characters other than [Pekoms] cannot be KO’d by effects.

This is not bad at all. All you need to do is not attack with Pekoms and you have protection for your low cost Characters. Although I might use this with Zoro & Sanji Leader as you can attack with Pekoms then use the Leader to untap Pekoms so we have that protection since Pekoms reach that requirements. I might try this idea and find out if it works, although I don't think there's any Minks cards in Blue card pool, so it will mostly be green base build with a splash of blue cards.


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