Wednesday, April 24, 2024

COTD - OP08-039 Zou



Green Stage / 3 Cost


[Activate Main] You may rest this stage: If your leader has the {Minks} type, set up to one of your Don!! as active.

[End of your turn] Set up to one of your {Minks} type characters as active. 

This is not bad at all, I can see this being used in the Minks build, especially when Zou can set Pekoms to active, so your Characters would be protected by effects. Not only that, we could also swing with Minks Blockers, if they would make any of those in the upcoming reveals. We can also untap a DON, as having that 1 extra DON means we could play more cards or set up to use Counter Event cards from hand during the opponent's turn.


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