Sunday, April 14, 2024

COTD - ST14-016 I Have My Crew!!


I Have My Crew!!

Black Event / 1 Cost

Straw Hat Crew

[Main] Draw one card. Then, give up to one of your Characters +3 Cost until the end of your opponents next turn. 

[Trigger] KO up to one of your opponents 3 Cost or lower characters

This is basically just Great Eruption V2. I can now see why Great Eruption is banned, imagine having these 2 in one deck, that some draw power, plus you can make use of the 8 cost or higher requirements in the new black starter deck. However, I have no idea if this style is going to be in OP08 set as well, but if they are, then this might be a staple card like Great Eruption.


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