Monday, May 13, 2024

COTD - OP08-115 The Earth Won’t Lose!!


The Earth Won’t Lose!! 

1 Cost / Yellow Event

Sky Island / Shandorian Warriors

[Counter] If your Leader has the {Shandorian Warriors} type, up to 1 of your Leader or Character cards gains +3000 power during this battle. Then, play up to 1 {Upper Yard} Character card from your hand.

[Trigger] Draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand.

Firstly, I want to talk about the naming of the card, it sounds like someone would say in Dragon Ball as I can't remember this part at all from the series. Anyway this is not bad, not only this is a 1 drop Counter, but you can also play a Character for free. Looks like Shandorian deck will be playing a lot of Characters for free spamming the field with Characters. I'll definitely run this in the build. The Trigger effect is just drawing cards, that is also not bad as you get to +1 in your hand than just a hand filter.


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