Thursday, May 9, 2024

COTD - OP08-018 Cloven Hoof (Roseo)

Cloven Hoof (Roseo)

2 Cost / Red Event

Animal / Drum Kingdom / Straw Hat Crew

[Activate Main] Up to 3 of your Characters gains +1000 power for the turn. Then, give up to 1 opponent's Characters -2000 power for the turn. 

[Trigger] Give up to 1 of your opponent's Leaders or Characters -3000 power during this turn. 

This Event is not bad as we can power up our Characters as well as reducing one of your opponent's Characters. I think this Event is better to use in a Rush build like Zoro deck where we could make use of the low drop numbers. Not to mention this Trigger effect is also very strong as we get to reduce the Leader's power by 3k and not 1k only. I've already got a few builds in mind where I can make use of this event card, so I can't wait to try them.


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