Thursday, May 2, 2024

COTD - OP08-016 Dr Hiriluk


Dr Hiriluk

Red Character

3 Cost / 0 Power (Wisdom)

Drum Kingdom 

[Counter +2000]

[Activate Main] You may rest this character: If your leader is [Tony Tony Chopper] give all of your [Tony Tony Chopper] characters +2000 power for the rest of the turn 

Well, if you are a big fan of building a Chopper deck, then this is the one for you as he will power up every Chopper in the deck. I might also build this for the meme, maybe someone out there actually wants a fully built Chopper deck like a deck consist of Chopper and not just running Chopper Leader, who knows. There are a few Chopper Characters out there, so it is not impossible to run a deck fully of Chopper. Although, I say that, I will still need to run searchers to search out Chopper and Dr Hiriluk to bring out the consistency, so it wouldn't be actually a full deck of running 46 Chopper.


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