Tuesday, May 14, 2024

COTD - OP08-007 Tony Tony.Chopper


Tony Tony.Chopper

Red Character

3 Cost / 5000 Power (Strike)

Animal / Drum Kingdom / Straw Hat Crew

[Your turn] [On Play] / [When Attacking] Look at 5 cards from top of your deck, play up to 1 {Animal} type Character card with power 4000 or less rested. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order.

It is really a shame that you could only play low power Animal Characters with this card, but I guess we are spamming the field, and there is no cost in this effect unlike Nami FILM. More importantly, we can play Choppers with this effect, so making a full Chopper deck seems more doable especially with this around. Plus those Choppers will gain power thanks to Dr Hiriluk's effect, so it is not all that bad at all.


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