There are several ways I can think of in how to build this Crocodile build to make use of the Leader's effect. But with a new card from EB01 set, I've decided to add more Events compare to the previous build. You will still easily maintain 4 or less cards in hand as we have plenty of ways to reduce our hand without the need to use Counters, but of course, if we use counters, we won't need to take a damage.
Friday, May 31, 2024
COTD - P-077 Ulti
Purple Character
6 Cost / 6000 Power (Strike)
Animal Kingdom Pirates
[Counter +1000]
[Once Per Turn] When 2 or more of your Don!! are returned to your Don!! deck, add up to 1 Don!! from your Don!! deck and rest it. Then, set up to 1 of your purple Stages as active.
At first, I thought I could use this with R/P Law, but I guess we can but we will just ignore the second part of the effect. But if we want to fully use this card, there are only 2 type of builds I can think of. Animal Kingdom Pirates deck and Iceburg deck where those builds make use of the Stage card in order to ramp. I'm actually looking forward to this, unfortunately, it is a JP promo and I won't know when she will come in EN. But reading this effect, definitely makes a huge difference with the ramp decks, especially we won't need to worry about returning 5-6 DONs back to deck and take a while to recover. Not like that was difficult in the first place. |
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
EB01 Yellow (Linlin) Deck Profile
What we need for this Leader is the ability to have Life gain. If you have Life gain, then we can spam Big Mom Leader's effect. But most of the Life gain cards in this build are very situational which is the downside to this build. So I guess this build will only get better if we can use more Life gain cards, however, that will also means yellow deck will then become more OP than they are already.
Monday, May 27, 2024
EB01 Red/Purple (Law) Deck Profile
Law also have a new card in the build and just like ST10 Luffy, we know what that two new cards in the build from EB01 set is. For me, I have to rewrite this build again from OP06 set, but it is good as the deck always changes if I need to rewrite a post for that Leader. I don't keep the deck build the same with two new cards added, unless it is a very specific type of deck like Green Uta FILM deck where you mainly need the same FILM cards in the build.
Sunday, May 26, 2024
EB01 Purple/Black (Zephyr) Deck Profile
I actually wanted to write about Z deck profile during OP06 set but seeing how I needed Bon Clay from EB01, I've waited until then to write a deck list about this Leader. Now at first when I saw this Purple/Black Leader, I went straight to hand destruction seeing how both Purple and Black card pool have hand destruction cards. Unfortunately, I couldn't really get hand destruction to work seeing that I need a bit of ramp in this build in order to make this work.
Saturday, May 25, 2024
EB01 Green/Purple (Doflamingo) Deck Profile
Well, its time to post this build again. I did mention about posting 2 builds with Doffy deck, but unfortunately, I'll be only posting 1 build as the FILM cards uses up too much room for other stuff. Like, removing Birdcage for instant, that is the only solution to make the FILM deck work, but I feel Birdcage is amazing control card, so your opponents won't rush you with ease.
Friday, May 24, 2024
EB01 Blue (Ivankov) Deck Profile
The new cards from EB01 set really work well with Ivankov over Hannyabal. The way I can describe this build is that this is the equivalent of Infernities in YGO where we go handless. Usually in this game, going handless is bad as we won't be able to use any Counters, but Ivankov Leader will let you draw cards along with your other cards. So basically you will get a new hand every turn if you decided to go handless during your turn to trigger certain card's effects.
Thursday, May 23, 2024
COTD - OP08-118 Silvers Rayleigh Alt Art & Manga Art
Silvers Rayleigh
Red Character
8 Cost / 8000 Power (Slash)
Former Roger Pirates
[On Play] Choose up to 2 of your opponent's Characters, Until the end of your opponent's next turn, give 1 Character -3000 power, and the other -2000 power. Then, KO up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with power 3000 or less.
Well then, we've got all of the Rayleigh's art lined up in this image. I don't know why, but I definitely hate the Alt Art compare to the Manga Art even though they used the same pose for both of these cards like the other Manga Arts. But this time, the Alt Art doesn't give me the wow factor compare to the others previously. Then again, it might be because this image is not as clear. |
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
EB01 Yellow (Katakuri) Deck Profile
We don't really have much support for Katakuri in EB01 set, only Enel got major upgrades as the new stuff doesn't suit Katakuri style at all. Although compare to OP06 version it is still a major change. But again, I will not run Reject/Impact in the build, even though there is a major difference to the deck without it. It will save me time to post decks with updated ban list as it's only me who are writing the deck profiles at the moment.
COTD - OP08-069 Charlotte Linlin, OP08-043 Edward Newgate & OP08-079 Kaido Alt Arts
Charlotte Linlin
Purple Character
9 Cost / 9000 Power (Special)
Former Rocks Pirates / Big Mom Pirates
[On Play] DON!! -1, trash 1 card from your hand: Add up to 1 card from the top of your deck to the top of your life. Then, place up to one of your opponents characters with a cost of 6 or less to the top or bottom of its owner’s life face up.
Sunday, May 19, 2024
EB01 Red/Purple (Luffy) Deck Profile
ST10 Luffy is one of my favourite Leaders as I really like YOLO decks where we only survive with very few Life, but is it worth it? Unlike most Leaders, Luffy is a 6k beat stick, so your opponents will need DONs constantly for their 5k Leader/Characters in order to hit Luffy. Also one of the very few decks where we need 2 different secret rare in the build. A lot of other builds will only need 1 secret rare which is a lot easier for the wallet.
COTD - OP08-074 Black Maria, OP08-084 Jack & OP08-080 Queen Alt Arts
Black Maria
Purple Character
3 Cost / 2000 Power (Special)
Animal Kingdom Pirates
[Counter +2000]
[Activate: Main] [Once Per Turn] If you have no other [Black Maria], add up to 5 DON!! cards from your DON!! deck rested. Then at the end of your turn, return DON!! cards from your field to the DON!! deck until the number of DON!! cards on your field is equal to the number on your opponent's field.
Saturday, May 18, 2024
EB01 Purple/Yellow (Crocodile) Deck Profile
The new support in EB01 set mainly suit Purple/Yellow Crocodile deck over Blue/Purple Crocodile, however, I will post Blue/Purple Crocodile build later on. As this build is purple, we have plenty of ramp cards, so I don't think we would struggle to play high cost Characters early on the game. Plus we will have plenty of Life gain to drag the game as long as possible to finish with one swoop with high power Characters.
COTD - OP08-105 Jewelry Bonney, OP08-106 Nami & OP08-112 S-Snake Alt Arts
Jewelry Bonney
Yellow Character
3 Cost / 4000 Power (Special)
Egghead / Bonney Pirates
[Counter +1000]
[DON!!x1][Your Turn][Once Per Turn] When your opponent loses a life, draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand.
[Trigger] Draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand
Friday, May 17, 2024
EB01 Green/Yellow (Yamato) Deck Profile
We've got a bit of changes for this build if we added the EB01 cards to the deck. Also just like OP06 version, this Leader will provide 2 different builds using completely different engine for the deck. It is up to you to see which one you prefer. One is more aggressive than the other, whilst the other focus more on control I guess, although we won't be using much Life gain cards in both of the builds.
Thursday, May 16, 2024
One Piece Card Information Bureau - OP08 Unboxing
The set is coming out next week for JP format, so not surprising here that we would see an unboxing video for this set. We also see lots of other cards that have been shown in this video but not in COTD reveals. I'll try and post as much cards as possible, but I won't be posting every cards in this video as it will take me another day to write this post up. I know this is an unboxing video, but a lot of cards have been revealed already, plus we have some vanillas, so we could ignore those cards as we are mainly interested in the ones with effects.
COTD - OP08-084 Jack
Black Character
7 Cost / 8000 Power (Slash)
Animal Kingdom Pirates
This Character gains +4 cost
[Activate Main] You may rest this card: Draw 1 card and trash 1 card from your hand. Then KO up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with a cost of 3 or less.
Kinda weird seeing an 11 cost Character on the field as we've only got 10 DONs the maximum to play Characters. But I guess this also means, if your opponents decided to use cost reducers, reducing an 11 cost Character will be a bit more work in order to KO Jack. Anyway I am not sure about the effect, it is a hand filter effect with a KO ability, but you will be resting a 7k beat stick. Only helpful if you really need to KO that Character and can risk losing an attack this turn. |
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
EB01 Blue (Doflamingo) Deck Profile
I know, we are getting new Warlord supports in OP07, but at the time this was posted, that set is still a long way to go. The new support gives this build more draw power. We've already got plenty of draw power during the OP05 set. I don't think I've written a Doffy build for OP06 set, so there will be some major changes to the deck compare to OP05 version, and not only just adding 1 new card from EB01 set.
COTD - OP08-023 Carrot
Green Character
5 Cost / 6000 Power (Special)
[Counter +1000]
[On Play]/[When Attacking] Up to 1 of your opponent's rested Characters with a cost 7 or less do not become active in your opponent’s next Refresh Phase.
This effect is actually very strong because she is not once per turn, meaning if we can untap her and attack again, we could stop 2 of your opponent's Characters from becoming active. Not bad at all for a SR card, I've already got some ideas in which builds I should test Carrot in, and there is also one build I could try and use Carrot to spam her effect. |
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
COTD - OP08-007 Tony Tony.Chopper
Tony Tony.Chopper
Red Character
3 Cost / 5000 Power (Strike)
Animal / Drum Kingdom / Straw Hat Crew
[Your turn] [On Play] / [When Attacking] Look at 5 cards from top of your deck, play up to 1 {Animal} type Character card with power 4000 or less rested. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order.
It is really a shame that you could only play low power Animal Characters with this card, but I guess we are spamming the field, and there is no cost in this effect unlike Nami FILM. More importantly, we can play Choppers with this effect, so making a full Chopper deck seems more doable especially with this around. Plus those Choppers will gain power thanks to Dr Hiriluk's effect, so it is not all that bad at all. |
Monday, May 13, 2024
COTD - OP08-115 The Earth Won’t Lose!!
The Earth Won’t Lose!!
1 Cost / Yellow Event
Sky Island / Shandorian Warriors
[Counter] If your Leader has the {Shandorian Warriors} type, up to 1 of your Leader or Character cards gains +3000 power during this battle. Then, play up to 1 {Upper Yard} Character card from your hand.
[Trigger] Draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand.
Firstly, I want to talk about the naming of the card, it sounds like someone would say in Dragon Ball as I can't remember this part at all from the series. Anyway this is not bad, not only this is a 1 drop Counter, but you can also play a Character for free. Looks like Shandorian deck will be playing a lot of Characters for free spamming the field with Characters. I'll definitely run this in the build. The Trigger effect is just drawing cards, that is also not bad as you get to +1 in your hand than just a hand filter. |
Sunday, May 12, 2024
EB01 Black (Smoker) Deck Profile
The new support from EB01 set makes this deck pretty good to use as it lets me take out some cards that I won't be needing for this build with other cards. You can replace Smoker with Starter Akainu (Sakazuki) Leader as both deck focus heavily on reducing your opponent's cost as much as possible. But we do have an equal amount of removals in the builds. I won't be running Great Eruption in this build to save time on reposting.
COTD - OP08-091 Who's Who
Who's Who
Black Character
5 Cost / 5000 Power (Slash)
Animal Kingdom Pirates
[Counter +2000]
[On Play] You may trash 1 card from your hand: KO up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with a cost of 3 or less.
[Trigger] KO up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with a cost of 3 or less.
This is basically OP02 Koby with a Trigger effect, plus being 5k beat stick with 2k counter make this even better. Although one does cost 3 to play whilst Who's Who is a 5 cost Character, that difference in costs can make a huge difference when it comes to playing Characters to the field. I can't really say much about this card as it is very easy to KO 3 cost or less Characters thanks to the help of cost reducers. |
Saturday, May 11, 2024
EB01 Yellow (Enel) Deck Profile
We've got another upgrades for Enel and more will come for future sets too since the effect is amazing. For this build, I've decided to go with 2 different builds, one is more of control deck whilst the other is a Rush build, yes Yellow have some cards that have the Rush ability. Just like the previous builds, I will not be running Impact to save time on reposting the deck profiles altogether.
COTD - OP08-082 Sasaki
Black Character
1 Cost / 1000 Power (Slash)
Animal Kingdom Pirates
[Counter +2000]
[Activate Main] You may rest 1 of your DON!! and this Character: Give up to 1 of your opponent’s Characters -2 cost during this turn.
There's good and bad point about this card. The bad point about this card is that it cost you 2 DONs if you want to use the effect instantly, which is what Tsuru does. The good point is that this is an activate main effect and not an on play effect, so you play Sasaki for 1 DON and wait until you have the cards to remove your opponent's Characters instead of hogging them up in your hand like Tsuru. Although, because you need to rest Sasaki, most likely your opponents will attack him to prevent you from using his effect constantly. |
Friday, May 10, 2024
EB01 Red/Green (Oden) Deck Profile
Out of the 3 Leaders from EB01 set, I actually like Oden the most because of the way he make use of non Counters Wano Characters, plus the constant power boost we can gain from the effect, so your opponents will need plenty of power to make their Characters hit above the magic number, or else we can use less counters from our hand. I do know in OP07 set we do have 1 more card we want to add for Oden, the OP07 Otama who is a searcher.
COTD - OP08-114 S-Hawk
Yellow Character
4 Cost / 5000 Power (Slash)
Egghead / Seraphim
[Counter +1000]
[DON!!x1] If you have less Life cards than your opponent, this Character gains +2000 power and cannot by KO’d in battle by cards with the (Slash) attribute.
[Trigger] You may trash 1 card from your hand: If you have 2 or less Life cards, play this card.
Now I think all we need is anti Wisdom, anti Special and anti Ranged cards so I could start making an anti KO'd deck. Maybe this will take a while, but who knows. Anyway, the effect is not bad, it is similar to Cracker, but unfortunately for the Trigger effect you need 2 or less Life to work, which I wouldn't say its better than Cracker as Triggers are random, but yellow does have a way to trash your Life and gains Life, so I think this shouldn't be hard at all. |
Thursday, May 9, 2024
[One Piece Card Information Bureau] OP08 Nami, Brulee, Page One and Many More Revealed
A lot of interesting cards revealed in this video and some includes COTD cards so I won't be posting those on here. Most of them can be used with plenty of builds that have been revealed in the video, and not just the decks that can suit OP08 set. I can't wait to try some of those cards for some of the builds, but it is all about finding room to suit those cards. I won't be doing any review of these cards as their effects are very short except Nami and the blue Event card. It is a bit difficult to write about those cards with very short effect.
COTD - OP08-018 Cloven Hoof (Roseo)
Cloven Hoof (Roseo)
2 Cost / Red Event
Animal / Drum Kingdom / Straw Hat Crew
[Activate Main] Up to 3 of your Characters gains +1000 power for the turn. Then, give up to 1 opponent's Characters -2000 power for the turn.
[Trigger] Give up to 1 of your opponent's Leaders or Characters -3000 power during this turn.
This Event is not bad as we can power up our Characters as well as reducing one of your opponent's Characters. I think this Event is better to use in a Rush build like Zoro deck where we could make use of the low drop numbers. Not to mention this Trigger effect is also very strong as we get to reduce the Leader's power by 3k and not 1k only. I've already got a few builds in mind where I can make use of this event card, so I can't wait to try them. |
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
EB01 Purple (Iceburg) Deck Profile
The new Water 7 support from EB01 makes you play more Water 7 cards with ease, but the deck was very easy to upgrade as there was only 2 replacement for the deck compare to the previous build. All I did was changed the number arounds so I can add the new cards. I can say, spamming the board is a lot easier with the increase amount of Water 7 stuff in the build.
COTD - OP08-077 Hakai Ocean Sovereignty
Hakai Ocean Sovereignty
6 Cost / Purple Event
Four Emperors / Animal Kingdom Pirates / Big Mom Pirates
[Main] DON!!-2: If your Leader has the {Animal Kingdom Pirates} or {Big Mom Pirates} type, choose up to 2 of your opponent's Characters with a cost of 6 or less, KO them.
This is not bad at all, only downside is that we don't have a Trigger effect, but I wouldn't really say that's a downside as we could KO two of your opponent's 6 cost or less Characters. I think this is a pretty strong effect, and it is really similar to Raging Tiger card, but for blue style, that card returns whilst this is more of a KO effect, maybe I would run 2-3, but I doubt I would run 4, and this is for purple decks who can ramp easily so you could reach 6 DONs whilst also returning DONs back to the deck. |
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
COTD - OP08-046 Shakuyaku
Blue Character
5 Cost / 6000 Power (Wisdom)
Amazon Lily
[Counter +1000]
[Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] When a character leaves the field from one of your effects. If your opponent has 5 or more cards in hand, your opponent places 1 card from their hand on the bottom of their deck. Then, rest this character.
I never knew Shaku is called Shakuyaku. I guess I've learnt something new everyday about One Piece, even though I've been reading the manga for a very long time. Anyway this is similar to OP07 Law effect. Returning Characters to your hand shouldn't be difficult as this card mainly synergies with Hancock Leader build. Plus we do have some Blue cards that allows you to return cards to your hand, easily triggering this effect. Only downside is that you need to rest Shaku, so we will be losing an attack, but hey at least this won't make it too broken for the game. Not like it is already if we combine OP07 Law and Shaku's effects together forcing your opponents to return 2 cards in 1 turn. |
Monday, May 6, 2024
EB01 Green (Uta) Deck Profile
COTD - OP08-008 Dalton
Red Character
5 Cost / 6000 Power (Slash)
Drum Kingdom
[Counter +1000]
[On Play] Give up to one of your opponent's Characters -1000 Power for the turn.
[DON!!x1][Activate:Main][Once Per Turn] You may add 1 card from top of your Life cards to your hand: This Character gains <Rush> for the turn.
Well.. I guess the effect is pretty random for this card. The on play effect makes sense but the second effect doesn't especially for red builds who doesn't have way to gain Life cards. Anyway I guess it's okay for what it does, at least you could pull off an early attack with Dalton. But lets just say, we only need to trigger the Rush ability once, unless you need low health to trigger other card's effect. That is the only situation I could think of using the second ability. |
Sunday, May 5, 2024
COTD - OP08-118 Silvers Rayleigh
Silvers Rayleigh
Red Character
8 Cost / 8000 Power (Slash)
Former Roger Pirates
[On Play] Choose up to 2 of your opponent's Characters, Until the end of your opponent's next turn, give 1 Character -3000 power, and the other -2000 power. Then, KO up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with power 3000 or less.
I was wondering why Rayleigh is SEC card, but after reading the effect carefully, maybe I know why, I am still not sure if it's 100% your opponent's next turn or start of your next turn when the official EN translation I think it is the same thing. Anyway, we got a power reducer, reducing 2 of your opponent's Characters. There are some builds that can definitely utilise this like Red/Blue Vivi, or Red/Blue Sabo as those builds focus more on reducing your opponent's power more than the others. But I don't see this card being expensive compare to Kaido & Linlin for the SEC in the set. |
Saturday, May 4, 2024
EB01 Blue/Purple (Hannyabal) Deck Profile
The problem I've found with Hannyabal is the Impel Down stuff. Most of the Impel Down stuff from Blue and Purple are colour restricted, so mixing 2 together will not work well. So the only solution is to focus on one of the colours and build around it which is what I've figured. As much as I've want to post 2 deck profile for this build, I haven't figured out how to build the blue Impel Down deck, I just don't like that build compare to purple, maybe I'll post one later on if they get more supports.
COTD - OP08-119 Kaido and Linlin
Kaido and Linlin
Purple Character
10 Cost / 12000 Power (Strike/Special)
Four Emperors / Animal Kingdom Pirates / Big Mom Pirates
[When Attacking] DON-10!!: KO all other Characters. Then, add up to 1 card from the top of your deck to the top of your life cards and trash 1 card from the top of your opponent’s life cards.
So reading this effect, it is a mix of two effects into 1. OP01 Kaido who was a board wipe and 10 drop Big Mom who can trash your opponent's Life and gain a Life at the same time. This is what I like to see for a secret rare, and not just some weak effects but slapped secret rare rarity on those cards when they could just become a super rare. I feel like if you run purple, you can run 1-2 copies in the deck because it is a board wipe plus life gain, even if your deck doesn't ramp as much that kind of effect could be handy for one time use. It's definitely way better than taking a lot of your opponent's hits. |
Friday, May 3, 2024
EB01 Black/Yellow (Kyros) Deck Profile
Kyros is a bit difficult to build because the Life gain cards are all high cost to do so, getting your opponent's Characters will be very easy thanks to the amount of cost reducers in the black card pool, but for yellow side of things, it might be difficult. I've only managed to add a splash of yellow, as the main build of the deck is definitely utilising the black side of things to make the deck work.
COTD - OP08-105 Jewelry Bonney
Jewelry Bonney
Yellow Character
3 Cost / 4000 Power (Special)
Egghead / Bonney Pirates
[Counter +1000]
[DON!!x1][Your Turn][Once Per Turn] When your opponent loses a life, draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand.
[Trigger] Draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand
I can see Bonney being used in a lot of builds as the main source of draw power for yellow. But this will mean, she might be pricey when she comes out for the EN releases as she might be a staple for yellow. I know I will be running her in any decks that run yellow, especially she is useful against yellow, because the more Life your opponents gain, the more draw power you can get. This is not just a hand filter card, this card actually +1 in your hand like the purple cards, OP03 Kalifa and ST04 Queen, which is why I think she's a staple. |
Thursday, May 2, 2024
[One Piece Card Information Bureau] OP08-067 Charlotte Pudding Revealed
To be honest, in this video is more about the tournament for JP format, so it doesn't affect us EN players as we have a separate tournament compare to JP players. If you want to check the card reveal, it is at the end of the video for that. The first 15 mins of the video is just about the tournament rules, nothing I care about too much. Although they did talk about sleeving part, all my decks are double sleeved, as I never single sleeved a deck, it just feels weird. I didn't watch it much as I only cared about the reveal.
COTD - OP08-016 Dr Hiriluk
Dr Hiriluk
Red Character
3 Cost / 0 Power (Wisdom)
Drum Kingdom
[Counter +2000]
[Activate Main] You may rest this character: If your leader is [Tony Tony Chopper] give all of your [Tony Tony Chopper] characters +2000 power for the rest of the turn
Well, if you are a big fan of building a Chopper deck, then this is the one for you as he will power up every Chopper in the deck. I might also build this for the meme, maybe someone out there actually wants a fully built Chopper deck like a deck consist of Chopper and not just running Chopper Leader, who knows. There are a few Chopper Characters out there, so it is not impossible to run a deck fully of Chopper. Although, I say that, I will still need to run searchers to search out Chopper and Dr Hiriluk to bring out the consistency, so it wouldn't be actually a full deck of running 46 Chopper. |
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Budget Deck Profile - Red/Purple (Uta) Post OP06
Out of all the new decks from OP06 set, I think Uta is the cheapest to build, as the others need their main SR card and that is very pricey, not suitable for a budget build. For this budget build, I will post 2 deck profiles, one without the FILM starter deck and the other with the FILM starter deck. I will not add any other starter deck with the build like ST04 because who knows, people might not be able to get their hand on them. For the deck with FILM starter deck cards, you will need to keep in mind that I will be posting this like people brought one since it is a budget deck.
COTD - OP08-053 Thank you… For Loving me!!! & OP07-053 Portgas D Ace Alt Art
Thank you… For Loving me!!!
Blue Event / 1 Cost
Whitebeard Pirates
[Main] If your leader’s type includes {Whitebeard Pirates} in it, look at the top 3 cards of your deck, reveal up to one card with {Whitebeard Pirates} included in its types, or [Monkey D. Luffy] and put it into your hand. Then, place the rest of the cards on the top or bottom of your deck in any order.
<Trigger> Draw 1 card.
About Me

- Raikishi
- A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.
I guess Uta is back again with another FILM upgrades from EB01 set and the two cards make the deck changed a lot compare to the previous bui...
Personally, I've wanted Kuma as the Leader over Bonney after reading his past in the manga, but Bonney will do. Anyway, a very control d...
The way I've built Ace will be the same way that I did with Black/Yellow Luffy. Mostly Yellow cards with a splash of blue, as the blue s...
Now, we've got 2 black Lucci, so I will need to add their set version so people won't get confused in which one I'll be talking ...
I didn't post an EB01 version of this build because it was 1 card changed, so I've waited until OP07 to post this build. I've ch...