Sunday, March 31, 2024

OP06 Purple (Kaido) Deck Profile

Looking at the list of Purple card pool in OP06, I do have some ideas to make use of them unlike Black where Moria is the only choices to choose from for other Black builds. The first one I am updating is ST04 Kaido, I think for this build Kaido Leader is suited especially when we need low DONs number to trigger some effects. However, OP01 King can also work with this build since both are Animal Kingdom Pirates, and all you need is just to swap the Leader around.


First off, we start by talking about the key part of the deck, ramp. Ramp is very important as this build will return plenty of DONs back to the DON deck, so you will not stay 10 DONs for very long. OP05 Zala works on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to add 1 DON as rest. Very simple ability and we do want to discard our hand down to 5 to trigger OP06 Reiju in this build. The Trigger effect is by returning 1 DON, play this card. You will not gain anything or losing anything, this is up to you if you want to trigger the effect or not as she is a 2k counter in your hand.

OP05 Kid is a Blocker with an effect that only works during your turn. When a DON on your field is returned to your DON deck, add 1 DON as active. I don't know if that 1 extra DON would make a difference, sometimes it will, sometimes it doesn't. But at least if you returned multiple DONs back to the deck, you know you would save one of them, so it won't be a huge lost. But we also have plenty of cards that returns 1 DON back to deck, so technically by having Kid on the field, those cards can become free.

Jet Gatling is a Counter Event card, but for the ramp you will need to use the Trigger effect which is add 1 DON as active. The Counter effect is just like any of the 0 cost Counter Event we've seen. You may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 3k power this battle. We might need this effect as we do have plenty of high cost Characters as we focus on ramping to play those high costs.

Now we move onto the final card, Onigashima. One of the card we need in our opening hand in order to get this build going. The effect is you may rest this Stage, if your Leader is Animal Kingdom Pirates, add 1 DON as rest. We will be constantly returning DONs back to the DON deck, so you will be constantly be using Onigashima in order to ramp more DONs and play your high cost Characters.


We also got an equal amount of removals in the build, but all these removal are high costs which shouldn't matter too much if we got ramp in the build. Although I definitely do not want to see these cards during the early stage of the game. OP01 Kaido works on play, by returning 6 DONs, if your Leader is Animal Kingdom Pirates type, KO all Characters other than this card. Pretty much is a board wipe in case your opponents decided to go wide before you. I don't think there's any point using this when you have a full field of beatsticks in play.

I'm going to call him Z for short since in the JP naming, he is only 1 letter well for the translation that is, but I guess the English version is a bit different. Z is one of the new cards in OP06 set, and the effect works on play, by returning 1 DON, negate the effect of 1 of your opponent's Characters this turn, then if that Character has 5k power or less, KO it. This can bypass any prevent from KO effects which is very handy, plus any Characters who have a constant power up effect.

Finally moving on to the main beat stick ST04 Kaido. The effect works on play, by return 5 DONs, KO 1 of your opponent's 6 cost or less Characters, then this Character gains Rush. I prefer using ST04 Kaido over OP01 because only costing me 9 DONs to play him as well as having a 10k Rush on the field, ready to attack your opponents straight away. Depending on the situations, you mainly want to try removing your opponent's Characters before attacking their Life, since that will means you won't need to worry about the attacks during your opponent's turn.


The main changes compare to OP05 build is definitely adding some kind of draw power to the build, so we will be able to draw the right cards to pull off some effects. 4 drop Reiju only works if you have less DONs or equal than your opponents, and personally, this is after I played Kaido is where I have less DONs than my opponents. The effect is on play, if the number of DONs on your field is equal or less than the number on your opponent's field, and you have 5 or less cards in your hand, draw 2 cards. I don't think 5 or less cards in hand would be difficult, the only difficult part is managing the DONs because we have ramp in the deck.

OP06 Shiki is a Blocker with an on play effect, if you have 8 or more DONs, draw 1 card and trash 1 card from your hand. A very simple hand filter, plus you can still play Shiki early if you need an early Blocker, you just won't get the effect. The only downside is the 1k power as a Blocker, but for hand filtering, I think it will be worth it if we can draw the right cards.

ST04 Queen is another Blocker with an on play effect, by returning 1 DON, draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand. Queen is very strong for the effect especially when we can +1 in our hand unlike Shiki who is just a hand filter. If you can get 10 DONs, you can play 2 ST04 Queen to +2 in your hand whilst trashing the cards you won't be needing.

Hand Destruction

I guess another changed to the deck build is that I have added hand destructions in the deck, since the meta can gain massive hand size with ease, but X Drake can also hurt your opponents even if they are at low hand size. The effect is on play, by returning 1 DON, your opponent trashes 1 card from their hand. Although he also have a 2k counter for a 5 drop Character which will be handy if you don't play X Drake onto the field because of the 5 cost.

ST10 Law is 1 cheaper than X Drake and is also a Blocker to stop your opponent's attacks, but unlike X Drake the effect is very situation. On play, by returning 1 DON, if your opponent has 7 or more cards in their hand, trash 2 cards from your opponent's hand. If you draw Law during the early state of the game, he is great especially if you can play Law and X Drake on the same turn, forcing your opponents to trash 3 cards in one turn. That will be a bit difficult to recover unless they constantly uses search effects to add cards into their hand.


Well I guess we can't forget about these 2 cards in the deck build. If you have the room, which this deck does, I would always recommend these 2. ST04 Ulti works on play, by returning 1 DON, play 1 4 cost or less Page One card from your hand. The Page One we are running is our 6k beat stick since 6k is a nice number against your opponent's 5k Leaders. They will be using 2k Counters if we don't put any power boost onto Page One. Not to mention, even if you don't use Ulti, she is a 2k Counter in your hand, since sometimes you may not be able to draw Page One and force to use Ulti in your hand for counters.

Deck List

OP06 Kaido


I personally think this deck has a bit of everything, removal, ramp, draw, beat sticks and our Leader being able to trash your opponent's Life like Yellow. A very control but also fun deck to use especially if you can see Onigashima in your opening hand, then you can get the ramp going. Onigashima is very important as it will lets you play your high cost Characters a lot sooner, but if you don't see Onigashima, then you can to rely on the draw power to see the Stage card.

For the Kaido Leader, I personally wouldn't use his effect until you play all the Characters you needed to go for the final push for game. The effect is really deadly when they are at 2 or less Life as they will be closer in losing, especially when we have beat sticks on the field. You also run like 4 Blockers in the build to stall your opponent's attacks until you can get the ramp and enough beat sticks on the field to go for the final blow.

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