Wednesday, March 20, 2024

OP06 Red/Purple (Uta) Deck Profile

We got another FILM Uta build. But this one uses Red/Purple as we have Purple FILM Starter deck, whilst Green Uta FILM doesn't use any Purple at all. I guess this is good for people who brought the Purple FILM Starter deck and don't need to worry about that deck being rotten away. I'm glad Bandai remembers about that deck unlike Digimon. Anyway before I get off topic, I think this build is more casual build compare to Green Uta who is more competitive, but I guess it's up to you in who you prefer using as the deck.


I guess we start of with the removals of the deck. 2 of them are FILM cards whilst 1 of them is a non FILM card. OP05 Kuma only works on play, KO 1 of your opponent's 2k power or less Characters. 2k or less is low, but we do have ways to reduce those power to reach 2k power or less. The Trigger effect is if your Leader is multicoloured, play this card. This requirements fit very well with our Leader since she is multicoloured, so we could play Kuma for free.

OP06 Shanks is our 10 drop, but a 12k beat stick. The effect works on play, KO 1 of your opponent's 10k power or less. Now I don't think there are Characters that have more than 12k power as a base, so you can pretty much KO any Characters with Shanks. If they are 12k power, we got Uta Leader who can reduce those 12k power by 2k making them 10k power for Shanks to target.

Blue Dragon, I don't want to write the long name so I'll just shorten it to Blue Dragon, its an Event card with the ability to KO. The main effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 5k power or less Characters. Lets just say this is a bit cheaper than Jet Pistol, and if we combine this with Uta Leader, we could possibly KO 7k beat stick Characters as Uta Leader can reduce 7k down to 5k, then you play Blue Dragon to KO that Character. The Trigger effect is not that good as you only get to KO 1 of your opponent's 4k power or less Characters, which I thing this is the only downside to this card compare to Jet Pistol.


The power cards, well one of them reduces power instead of gaining power, but I still put it in this section as it is still related to Power. You need to give Saga a DON to trigger his effect, The effect works when attacking, this Character gains 1k power until the start of your next turn. Then trash 1 FILM Character at the end of this turn. Basically he will be a 6k beat stick on the field which is handy especially when your opponent tries to target your Characters for an attack. The only downside is trashing your FILM Characters which shouldn't be too much of a problem unless they are Blockers. Also even if you don't play Saga, he is a 2k Counter which is great for defending.

Shuraiya is good for both attack and defend. I think the blocking is more powerful than the attacking, but this is my personal opinion. He is a Blocker, but with a when attacking/on block effect. This Character's base power becomes same as your opponent's Leader until start of your next turn. So to make Shiraiya a deadly attacker, we need our opponents to power up their Leaders. Some Leaders will need a DON to trigger their effects, and if they got any additional power bonus, that is even better for Shuraiya. But it really depends if you want to sacrifice a Blocker for a turn.

Max is basically promo Gordon. You may place this Character at the bottom of the owner's deck to reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters by 3k this turn. I think this is important especially when I am running Kuma as well as Blue Dragon for the specific power KO effect. We also got Uta Leader's effect too when it comes to reducing power, so we can break through their high power beat sticks. Maybe not 10k or above, but 8k power and below will be very easy for us to KO those Characters.

ST10 Kid is optional card, you can run him, you could take him out. I personally run him to increase the defensive capabilities as well as the offence power. I don't think 7 DONs is a lot especially when we have the ramp capability in this build. The effect works on play/when attacking, by returning 1 DON, 1 of your Leader gains 1k power until start of your next turn. This will means Uta will be a 6k power base which will make using Counter easier to defend for her.


Only 2 ramp cards, you won't need a lot of ramp for the deck as we got Uta Leader who can do that for you. Ain works on play, add 1 DON as rest. She is also a FILM Character which makes her very searchable using the searchers in this build. I guess the only downside is that she doesn't have a Counter. Just a 5k beat stick with an on play effect, nothing much.

Jet Gatling ramp effect is the Trigger effect which is add 1 DON as active. You don't have to use the Trigger effect as it is also a 0 cost Event card we could use for Counter, The Counter effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 or your Leader/Characters gain 3k power during this battle. We have a few 0 Counter cards in this build, so we could target those cards to trash.


Two more Blockers in this build, but two very similar effects as they are both related to drawing cards and trashing cards in our hand. OP06 Shiki works on play, if you have 8 or more DONs, draw 1 and trash 1 card from your hand. I don't think getting 8 DONs will be difficult in this build, but even if you don't need the on play effect, Shiki can be play for 2 DONs to stop any early rush.

For ST04 Queen, I don't really need to talk about him do I? The reason why he is expensive is because of the on play effect. By returning 1 DON, draw 2 cards and trash 1. Yes he does cost 5 to play, but he will be a 6k Blocker with the addition of +1 card in your hand. I think this is really important because if you play 2 Queens, you will be +2 in your hand in addition of having 2 Blockers.


Here are the searchers, well 1 of them return cards from the trash to your hand, but I still count that as searching since you need to search the trash for the cards. ST06 Luffy works on play, look at the top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 FILM card and add it to your hand. Then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. I guess unlike Festa, Luffy searches any FILM cards including himself. The Trigger effect is just activate this card's on play effect and not play this card. I guess is because Luffy is a 3k beat stick and Uta Leader can reduce Character's power by 2k making Luffy can KO those 5k beat sticks.

OP06 Tesoro is a replacement of ST05 simply because this is better in many ways. But some might argue that ST05 Tesoro is just as good. His effect works on play, by returning 1 DON, if your Leader is FILM, add 2 4 cost or less FILM Characters from your trash to your hand. You will be trashing a few FILM cards thanks to Uta Leader's effect, so having OP06 Tesoro can really help in bringing key cards from your trash back to your hand.

Now the final searcher Festa, just a 1 drop standard searcher for these type of decks. On play, look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 FILM card other than Festa and add it to your hand. Then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Very standard, and even if you don't need the search, Festa is also a 2k Counter card.

Deck List

OP06 Uta


It was a bit difficult for me to build this deck as there are a lot of cards I want to fit in this build. But I decided to make the deck focus on reducing power so we can KO your opponent's Characters. There are some power in this build, but personally it won't be enough especially if we don't have ways to force your opponents to use more cards from their hand and stopping their attacks.

You could run Whitebeard in this build, but the one I would replace is Shanks if you are running Whitebeard to power up your Leader even more. Plus Whitebeard also have a KO ability which suits this deck style as we can reduce their power to make Whitebeard work. You also have Kid in this build so making Uta a 8k base Leader is more difficult to hit unless your opponents uses DONs to power up their Characters.

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