Saturday, March 16, 2024

One Piece Ban List ENG Format (Effective from June 21, 2024)

I've pretty much knew this would be the same as the JP Format, because you know its Bandai, and they have done the same ban list with Digimon as well, but with Digimon the meta is slightly different for ENG and JP Format, so some cards make no sense, whereas One Piece meta is pretty much the same as JP Format. This is why I've already prepared to take out some cards and not post Akainu build to save time seeing how EB01 is 2 months away. I need to get the decks posted as soon as possible. Unless I can get more people to help with the blog.

Unlike JP format, we have no information about getting the promo Akainu to replace the OP05 version. But seeing the ban list is in June, that's still a long while away, we might see the card somewhere around end of May or beginning of June. I could try building that deck around that promo, but it will still be a long while away, and EB01 will be out, so that will change things around.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.