Saturday, March 9, 2024

OP05 Red (Ace) Deck Profile

Ace is still usable in this meta with the new cards added to the build. The deck will have more control cards thanks to OP05 stuff. It might be not be everyone liking since this is red and the word control in red can be non existent, since when we look at red, it will most likely be an aggro deck in most mana tcg games. Not to mention since Ace is Whitebeard Pirates, we will be able to access the Whitebeard cards just like Whitebeard deck.

Power Reduction

The power reducers, and we do have quite a few cards in this build to reduce your opponent's power, so we could easily remove them. OP01 Otama works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Character power by 2k this turn. Not only that but she is also a 2k counter card. Although reducing an opponent's Character by 2k can make some major differences when it comes to hitting the right number to remove that Character from the field.

Ace only have an on play effect, reduce 2 of your opponent's Characters power by 3k this turn, then if your Leader is Whitebeard Pirates, this Character gains Rush. So not only we get to reduce 2 of your opponent's Characters, but having a 7 drop Rush can be very handy. I guess the only downside is that he cost 7 to play, so you really need low cost removal cards if you want to remove your opponent's Characters.

Cross Fire is a card that can work during the main phase or use as a Counter. A very rare Event card that can do both. The effect is if your Leader is Whitebeard Pirates, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters by 4k this turn. Reducing 4k power for 2 DONs is not bad at all, as you could make 8k beat sticks down to 4k beat sticks being easier to target with attacks. The Trigger effect is just activate main.

OP05 Fire Fist is a card I really like in this build because of the effect. Reduce 1 of your opponent's Character power by 4k this turn. Then if you have 2 or less Life, you can KO 1 of your opponent's 0 power Characters. I guess in this build, it will be possible to KO some of your opponent's Characters with this effect, but you will need to combine this with your other power reducers to make this work. Otherwise we will be focusing to reduce their power so we could use our removal cards.


We also got a decent amount of removals in this build to try and remove your opponent's Characters so they will not be able to attack too much. OP03 Marco have 2 effects. The first effect works on play, KO 1 of your opponent's 3k power or less Characters. This is very easy to do thanks to the amount of power reducers, so you will be able to KO high power Characters. The second effect works on KO, you may trash 1 Event card from your hand to play this Character from your trash rested. This effect is very similar to his OP02 version, but then again, that is his Devil Fruit ability, allowing him to heal all he wants.

OP05 Nico Robin only works on play, KO 1 of your opponent's 1k power or less Characters. Now it is possible to KO those Characters as we have some cards in this build who can reduce your opponent's power by 4k, turning 5k beat stick into 1k power, then you can play Robin to KO that Character for 1 DON. I personally don't think it's too bad of a card to use in this build.

OP03 Fire Fist is a very strong card especially with the amount of Events in this build. The main effect is, you may trash 1 Event from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 5k power or less, and KO 1 of your opponent's 4k power or less. It does cost you an Event card from your hand, but if you can reduce 1 of your opponent's high power Characters down to 4k, then you will easily remove 2 cards in one go. The Trigger effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 5k power or less. So even if you don't need the main effect, the Trigger effect is very handy.

Another removal I've added is Jet Pistol. I still think it's a strong card to use in today meta. The effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 6k power or less Characters. 6k power is very easy to reach especially when we have power reducers to reduce your opponent's high power Characters. Then we play Jet Pistol to removal those cards. The Trigger effect is just same the as the main effect, so either way, you will be able to remove Characters, but it is how you remove them that's the question for this card.

Giving Power

Now we will talk about the cards that doesn't gain power, but gives power to your other cards instead. Whitebeard have 2 different effects, the first effect works on play, 1 of your Leader gains 2k power until the start of your next turn, Then, you can't add Life to your hand using your own effects this turn. The adding Life is useless since we are not running Whitebeard, but what would be helpful is that 2k extra power for a turn, especially combining this with Ace Leader's effect. The second effect works by giving this card 2 DONs, when attacking, KO 1 of your opponent's 3k or less Characters. This effect is very easy to do thanks to the amount of power reducers we have in this build. Plus Whitebeard will also become a 12k beat stick which is very nice to have.

OP02 Makino only has one effect, you may rest this Character to give 1 of your 1 cost red Character 3k power this turn. I am running her as we are running plenty of 1 drop Characters in this build, and she will make your 1 drop Characters into a beat stick. But she only have 0 power when you rest her, so it will be obvious for your opponents to remove her as soon as possible.

Flame Emperor only works with Ace Leader which I guess they want to balance things out a bit and not give this to Ace cards. I think this would be broken if this works with any Ace Characters. The effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 8k power or less Characters, and your Leader gains Double Attack and 3k power. So just like Whitebeard, we also have a removal ability as well as having that Double Attack and 3k power. This is not bad for 7 DONs as you could wipe your opponent's Life in one go as well as removing any potential Blockers that could stop the attacks.


The 2 Rush Characters which you only need for this build as this build is aimed more of control build. Jozu only works with Whitebeard Pirates Leader in order to trigger his effect. You will also need to give Jozu a DON to use his effect too, meaning this will use up 5 DONs for 1 card. The effect is if this card have a DON, if you have 2 or less Life, this Character gains Rush. Well even if you don't play Jozu, he is a 2k Counter card which will be excellent for defending.

ST01 Luffy is great for going for final push for game and not just because of the Rush ability. You need to give Luffy 2 DONs to trigger the effect. When attacking, your opponents cannot activate Blocker during this battle. This is great if your opponents are at 0 Life with few cards in hand and some Blockers. Don't forget, altogether Luffy will be a 8k beat stick and this is not including adding other DONs to Luffy for more power.


Only 2 searchers for the deck, but these cards are enough for the build unless you want to run Dadan for 1 drop searcher as we are running a lot of 1 drops in this build. OP03 Izo works on play, look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Whitebeard Pirates card other than Izo and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The good thing about this card is that we are running plenty of Whitebeard Pirates cards, so it will be very hard to miss, unless you are very unlucky.

OP03 Buggy is a searcher for Event cards which this deck runs plenty, so he will play a great role in this deck. The first effect is that this card cannot be KO'd by Slash Characters. I honestly think they should add more of these effect for Buggy. Anyway the only play effect is look at the top 5 card of your deck, reveal 1 red Event and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The good thing about Buggy is that he is a 3k beat stick, meaning if we combined this with Makino's effect, we will be able to have a 6k beat stick for a turn. Although the downside is that he doesn't have any Counters, so he would be pretty much a dead card in your hand.


As this deck focus more on the wiping your opponent's Characters, I am not too bothered about Blockers or using any Event Counters for this build, but they will be still handy. OP02 Marco is a Blocker with an On KO effect. You may trash 1 card with Whitebeard Pirates from your hand, if you have 2 or less Life, play this Character from your trash rested. Again, the effect is similar to OP03 Marco, but you do need to have low Life if you want to ever trigger Marco's effect. But shouldn't be too difficult to do.

Radical Beam's effect is 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 2k power this battle, then if you have 2 or less Life, that card gains another 2k power, meaning 4k power for that that battle. This is similar to OP02 Marco where we need low Life in order to get the full ability. Although unlike Marco, you can actually use Radical Beam early, but you won't get the extra 2k bonus which I think, it will make a huge difference to the game. The Trigger effect is 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 1k power this turn. By this turn, you can make Ace a 6k Leader whilst being able to use the Leader's effect to power up even more.

Deck List

OP05 R Ace


I wouldn't say there's a major change to the deck as we need to keep most of the old cards. You can run Guard Point in this build if you want to as Guard Point has the exact same Trigger Effect as Radical Beam which can make Ace Leader really defensive for a turn. Although I rather focus on the removal aspect of the deck which is why I am not running Guard Point in the build.

in our opening hand, we either want to see Izo or Buggy to pull off the search effects, but also we could then get prepare to play Makino on our next turn since the searchers will loses their summon sickness, and will be able to attack. Well I don't know if I should call this summon sickness as you are able to use the effects when they are played, but we want to start being aggressive as soon as possible, whilst keeping in mind of which cards we should remove forcing your opponents to use more cards from hand.


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