Saturday, March 16, 2024

OP08 Two Legends Art Revealed

I saw this art and I'm very excited about OP08. I think because I can skip OP07 when it comes to deck supports. I see Rayleigh and Whitebeard as the cover. Does this also mean we will see Gold Roger? I think its about time, because of the title Two Legends. Maybe, maybe not seeing the arts is that they are past prime Rayleigh and Whitebeard, whilst Gold Roger was still alive when they are young. I've still have the Whitebeard cards, but I will need to dismantle my deck if I want to play Whitebeard deck again.

Actually I do wonder if we get a Marco Leader, because I really want to play Marco as a deck instead of the cards. We got both Ace and Whitebeard Leaders, and Marco is like the first commander of the crew. So it will be much more interesting to see what Marco's Leader effect will look like. But I do have a feeling we would get a revamp Whitebeard Leader like Lucci.


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