Wednesday, March 27, 2024

OP06 Black (Smoker) Deck Profile

I wouldn't say the build have changed too much from last time as we've only added 1 additional card to the deck. I think you would have guess which card is it seeing how in OP06 set is mainly just Thriller Bark Pirates, so our card choices are low to improve some of the old decks. Also with Great Eruption being banned in June, I might as well post this as an early ban list changes. But what I'm really waiting for is the EB01 set for these Black decks to get a major upgrade.

Cost Reducers

We still have plenty of cost reducers, but because this is a Smoker deck, we really want to hit 0 cost with ease so we can trigger some of the card effects. OP02 Tsuru only works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 2 this turn. But she also have a 2k Counter, so if you don't need her on play effect, the counter number will be very handy to have.

10 drop Kuzan is our key card in this deck. Once you get Kuzan in play, everything will be a lot easier especially for the main effect. The first effect works on your turn, and that is reduce all of your opponent's Character cost by 5. This helps a lot especially against big drop Characters who will be a bit difficult to remove without a lot of cost reducers being played at the same time. The second effect is just on play, KO 1 of your opponent's 0 cost Character. We do have ST06 Tashigi in the build, so if you want to remove a 7 cost Character, you will need to use Tashigi's effect, then play Kuzan so we could KO that Character.

Now we move on to ST06 Tashigi, the effect works exactly the same as OP02 Tsuru but instead of being an on play effect, it is activate main effect which I prefer. The effect is you may rest this Character to reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 2 this turn. Tashigi is only a 4k beat stick, so her attacks won't be effective against the Leaders, unless you give her some DONs for the magic number. Also, just like Tsuru, she is also a 2k counter card giving us some Counter numbers when we need to use counters.

ST06 Helmeppo is an idea I've took from Moria deck, and seeing how the 8 drop Moria will let you play Helmeppo for free instead of hard playing him from our hand. The on play effect is reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 3 this turn. 1 cost higher than Tsuru, but I'll take it since 3 is actually a large number in this deck as it will be easier to remove your opponent's Characters.

Ice Age performs better in this build as we need at least 1 cost 0 Character on your opponent's field for Smoker to gain the power bonus. The main effect is reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 5 this turn. 5 is a lot especially when we can play Ice Age for 1 DON and will be able to use other cost reducers if we need to reduce your opponent's Characters cost even more. The Trigger effect on the other hand is not so great as we can only KO 1 of your opponent's 3 cost or less Characters, so I would add Ice Age to hand mostly, unless the situation says otherwise.


We also have plenty of Characters with KOing effects by combining with the amount of cost reducers. OP02 Koby works on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 3 cost or less Characters. I don't think hitting 3 cost or less will be difficult in this build as we got plenty of high cost reducers to reduce your opponent's Characters cost. But the downside is that Koby is only a 4k beat stick, and just like Tashigi, you will need a DON if you want to hit your opponent's Leader.

I guess this is why we are also running OP02 Akainu in the build. Now his effect is pretty much same as Koby, but we can KO higher cost Characters on top of being a 7k beat stick to swing against your opponent's cards. The effect is on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. I guess we can play Akainu early if we don't have 10 drop Kuzan in play.

OP02 Garp mainly works with 10 drop Kuzan because of his effect. You do need to give him 2 DONs in order to use his effect. When attacking, KO 1 of your opponent's 0 cost Characters. Now even if you don't have Kuzan, you would need to use a few cost reducers to reduce your opponent's Characters cost to 0. On the bright side, Garp will be swinging for 5k power which is not bad for a 2 drop card. On top of that, he also have 2k Counter which is very handy if we don't want to play Garp.

OP05 Lucci is another card which will be deadly when you have 10 drop Kuzan on the field. The effect works on play, you may place 3 cards from your trash to the bottom of your deck in any order, KO up to 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Characters and KO up to 1 of your opponent's 1 cost or less Characters. Having 10 drop Kuzan on the field makes your selection so much easier, but if you don't have Kuzan, then you will need to rely on your other cost reducers to work.

Free Play

Well there are 2 cards in this build that let us make use of the trash and play Characters for free. OP05 Rebecca is a Blocker with an on play effect. The on play effect is add 1 black Character with a cost of 3 to 7 other than Rebecca from your trash to your hand. Then, play up to 1 black 3 cost or less Character from your hand rested. When it comes to 3 cost or less, we have plenty of on play effects. You could use Rebecca to play OP02 Koby from your hand to also KO your opponent's Characters whilst building a defence on your field.

One major changed to the build is being able to use 8 drop Moria, so he could make use of your other Character's on play effects. The on play effect is choose 1 4 cost or less Character and 1 2 cost or less Character from your trash, play 1 as active and the other rested. Moria is very strong in the build especially when we can also play Rebecca with this effect, then Rebecca will be able to play another Character from hand. So in 1 turn for 8 DONs, you could potential have 4 Characters in play which is not bad at all.


As we don't have Great Eruption in the build because the ban list goes into the effect in June, we do have other cards in the build that helps you draw cards. 4 drop Kuzan also have 2 effects just like the 10 drop. The first effect works on play, draw 1 card. Simple draw power, but will cost you 4 DONs instead of 1 unlike Great Eruption. But what I am aiming for is the when attacking effect. Reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 4 this turn. This will be important as we could have a constant large cost reducer to reduce your opponent's Characters to 0 so we could trigger some card effects.

OP04 Sabo is a Blocker with an on play effect. I do like the on play effect as he will protect your Characters from being KO'd. But he also got an additional hand filter if we don't like our hand. The on play effect is none of your Characters can be KO'd by effects until the start of your next turn. Then draw 2 and trash 2. I would mainly play him before I attack unless I'm playing against Blue, since Blue is the only colour currently who doesn't KO'd Characters.


The rest of the Navy stuff for the deck. OP02 Kizaru is a 4 drop Blocker with an effect that works during your opponent's turn. This Character gains 1k power and cannot be KO'd by effects. Basically a weaker version of Sabo's on play effect, but being a 4 drop 6k Blocker is a huge deal. Well I guess your opponents can remove Kizaru if they hit any Triggers effect since Trigger effects works on your turn which can bypass the effect. Of course just like Sabo, if you play against Blue, the effect is pretty much useless.

Brannew is a Navy searcher, and this deck is filled up with a lot of Navy cards so you will easily hit one of the Navy Characters. The on play effect is look at the top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Navy card other than Brannew and add it to your hand. Then trash the rest. I wouldn't worry too much about the trashing effects as we got Moria, Lucci and Rebecca who can make use of the trash, so milling put this build as a better advantage than just filtering the hand to build up the trash.

Deck List

OP06 Smoker


I wouldn't say there's a huge changed to the deck build, I just took out Great Eruption and just added in Gecko Moria instead for the deck build. The deck focus on cost 0 Characters which is why we need plenty of cost reducers in the build, so we could even reduce huge cost Characters for the build. But in order for the deck to truly shine, it is definitely the EB01 set who will make a difference for this build.

You can actually swap Smoker Leader with the starter deck Akainu Leader as both Leaders are very similar since we need 0 costs for those Leader to work, but I personally think Smoker is better than the starter deck Leader. But this is just my personal opinion. If I'm going to try Black Akainu build, I will focus more of cost reducing and less on the KO effects, as both Leaders work different but still focus on 0 cost Characters.

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