Friday, March 22, 2024

OP06 Green/Yallow (Yamato) Deck Profile

For this build, I will be providing 2 different builds, as both build will still provide the same aggressiveness this Leader gives, but two very different type. I will be using Land of Wano and Sky Island build for using Yamato Leader. It really depends in what you prefer more, but I guess having 2 deck builds with give you a general idea. I personally prefer the deck that suits my style more, so I won't say which builds will be better.


The power of rest, but we do have a Yellow card who can also rest your opponent's Characters. OP01 Izo only works on play, rest up to 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. This is mainly so we could try and KO those rested Characters as we have no removal, or to stop Blockers who can stop your attacks. Izo also have 2k Counter which is handy if you don't need to use his effect.

OP06 Arlong rest effect is the Trigger effect, rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. This is very handy especially since Arlong have 0 Counters, so we may not need to have Arlong in hand, and could use the Trigger effect to stop your opponent's attacks. However, the on play effect is very handy. On play, you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your opponent's rested Leader cannot attack until your opponent's next turn. Personally I think, he's handy in the meta especially when we have Leaders that works when attacking, so we can slow those decks for a turn.

Hody is very strong in this build as we are focusing on being aggressive. He also have Rush which makes him even better on top of his effect. The on play effect is rest up to 2 of your opponent's Characters or DONs, then add 1 card from top of your Life to your hand. The only downside to this card is losing a Life, but for this kind of effect with Rush, I think that is worth the sacrifice.

Finally the Event card, Amaru. The main effect is up to 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 3k power this turn, then if you have 1 or less Life, rest up to 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. This works very well with Yamato Leader as Amaru only cost 2 DONs to use, so we could it to power up Yamato as well as using Yamato Leader's effect to give 2 rested DONs to 1 of your Characters. For the Trigger effect, you may trash 2 cards from your hand to add 1 card from top of your deck to top of your Life. Now you don't have to use this Trigger effect as this build doesn't have the draw power, so trashing 2 cards from your hand can put you at a disadvantage.

The Life

Here we have the2 4 cards who can help us gain a Life or arrange the Life so we can trigger the Trigger effects in these builds. OP04 Yamato works on play, KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost equal to or less than the total Life on the field. Then if you have 1 or less Life, add 1 card from top of your deck to top of your life. I think this will be handy especially when we run Hody who will be reducing our Life, so having Yamato in the build will sort that problem out. Yes she cost 9 to play, but I think it will be worth it, especially with the added bonus of being able to KO your opponent's Characters.

Kiku is a card where it is annoying for your opponents because of the on KO effect. The on KO effect is, if your opponent has 3 or less Life, add 1 card from top of your deck to top of your Life. Getting your opponent down to 3 Life is not difficult at all thanks to Yamato Leader. Plus she is also a 6k beat stick, so if your opponent tries to ignore her, your opponents will need to use 2k Counters to protect their 5k Leader/Characters which will hurt in the long run. The Trigger effect is if your opponent has 3 or less Life, play this card. Again this is not hard to do thanks to Yamato's Double Attack.

Personally I think OP06 Hiyori can be used in a lot of Yellow builds where we focus more on Trigger effects because of her effect. But who knows I might be wrong, but I do like her effect. The effect works on play, you may add 1 card from top or bottom of your Life to your hand. Add 1 card from your hand to top of your Life. This will mean we could trigger any Trigger effects we got in our hand. Plus she is also a 2k Counter card, but I think we would mainly be using her on play effect to rearrange the Life area more.

OP06 Momo is a Blocker with an on play effect. Add 1 of your Land of Wano Characters other than Momo to the top or bottom of the owner's Life. We could use Momo to put Hiyori on top of Life and reuse her on play effect to rearrange our Life again. But you don't have to as we also have other Land of Wano Characters with Trigger effects like Kiku where we can play her for free from our Life area.

Free Play

In the Sky Island build, we can easily spam a full board with these 3 cards whilst the Wano build only has Mihawk. Let's talk about Ohm, Ohm has a cont effect where if your Life is 2 or less he gains 1k power. So we would have a 4 drop with 6k beat stick. But what I want is the on play effect, on play look at top 5 cards if your deck, reveal 1 Holly and add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order, and play 1 Holly from your hand. If you want to play Holly for free, you need to make sure we have Holly in hand, so even if we wiff the search effect from Ohm, we know we can still play Holly.

ST12 Mihawk will be very strong in both builds. The effect works on play, if you have 2 or less Characters, play 1 4 cost or less Muggy Kingdom or Slash Attribute Character other than Mihawk from your hand rested. In the Wano build we have a lot of 4 cost or less Slash Characters we can choose from, whilst Sky Island build, we do have a few like Arlong and Kiku, but Ohm is also a Slash Character, so we could use Mihawk to play Ohm, and Ohm will let us play Holly for free. So for 3 DONs, we would be able to get 3 Characters and 2 of them are nice beat stick whilst Mihawk will need a DON to hit some magic number. Plus if you don't have 2 or less Characters on the field, we can use Mihawk for 2k Counter.

Land of Wano

Now we move on to the main differences for both decks, since 1 of the build will be utilising these Wano cards. OP01 Momo is a searcher, but doesn't work on play, instead he works during the main phase. By paying 1 DON and resting this Character, look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Land of Wano card and add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The good news is we can search for any Land of Wano including himself, but the bad news is that you will need to rest him to work. Being a 0 power Character, your opponents can target him with their low power Characters, so I don't think it is worth wasting Counters just to use the search effect again.

OP06 Inuarashi, I'll call him Inu for short because he is a dog. You will need 2 DONs to trigger his effect, and this is actually easy to do thanks to Yamato Leader giving 2 rested DONs to 1 of your Characters. When attacking, you may trash 1 card from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost equal to or less than the number of your opponent's Life. Personally you will have problems triggering this effect because of Yamato Double Attack, so you know you won't be able to KO your opponent's high cost Characters. The Trigger effect is exactly the same as Kiku, if your opponent has 3 or less Life, play this card. Very easy to do thanks to Yamato Double Attack.

OP06 Nekomamushi, and I'll call him Viper for short as I know what his name means whilst Inuarashi I only understand Inu. I prefer having Viper on the field over Inu because of his effect. You need to give Viper 2 DONs to work, again very easy to do thanks to Yamato Leader's effect. This Character can also attack your opponent's active Characters, so we could remove any annoying Blockers who will be stopping you from being aggressive. Plus being a 7k beat stick means we will be hitting over a lot of Blockers. The Trigger effect is exactly the same as Kiku and Inu, if your opponent has 3 or less Life, play this card. 

Narikabura Arrow, I'm only running this Event because it is searchable using OP01 Momo's search effect. Makes it very easy if you need Counters in your hand to stop your opponents. The counter effect is if you have 2 or less Life, reduce 1 of your opponent's Leader/Characters by 3k this turn. We could potentially stop cards like OP06 Zoro who can untap himself and attack again. Well to use less Counters to stop Zoro from attacking 3 times in 1 turn. The Trigger effect is exactly the same as Amaru, you may trash 2 cards from your hand to add 1 card from top of your deck to top of your Life. Again you don't have to if you don't have a big hand size since these builds doesn't have any draw power.

Sky Island

Now for the Sky Island build, we will be utilising these cards in the deck. Satori only has a Trigger effect which is you may trash 1 card from your hand to play this card. We do run Hiyori in the Sky Island build so you can place Satori in your Life area to trigger his Trigger effect. I personally won't play him for 5 DONs as we got better cards to play instead. But on the bright side even if you don't play Satori, he is a 2k Counter card.

Shura is a 2 drop searcher for Sky Island. On play, look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Sky Island card other than Shura and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. However, unlike other searchers, Shura also have a Trigger effect which is play this card. So it is not all that bad for 2 drop Character, but I guess he will make searching for Ohm and Holly a lot easier.

El Thor is a Counter card, I am running this as it searchable thanks to the Sky Island type. The Counter effect is 1 of your Leader/Character gains 2k power during this battle, then if your opponent has 2 or less Life, that card gains an additional 2k power during this battle. This will be very easy to do thanks to the Double Attack from Yamato. The Trigger effect is KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost equal to or less than the number of your opponent's Life. This might be a bit difficult in KOing high cost Characters as the build is aggressive.

Straw Hats

The only thing I do not understand is O-Nami not being a Wano Character, but then again, she might be OP if she is a Wano Character as we could easily search her out using OP01 Momo search effects. Anyway the on play effect is 1 of your Leader/Characters gains Banish this turn. Banish is very strong especially combining it with Double Attack. So instead of your opponents gaining 2 cards from their hand, they won't gain anything instead, they also might be force to use up Counters from their hand to stop the attack, which is even better. Either way O-Nami is a win win situation for you in this build. The Trigger effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. This is good especially if you do not need to use her Banish effect anymore, and can just use her Trigger effect to remove your opponent's Characters.

The final card Zoro. OP06 Zoro will added the extra finish to the deck if you did not finish off your opponents by attacking. The when attacking effect is by paying 1 DON, you can untap this Character. Then the main phase effect is by paying 2 DONs, you can untap this Character, so Zoro will be swinging 3 attacks in 1 turn. Not to mention, you can use Yamato Leader's effect to give 2 rested DONs to Zoro, so Zoro could swing with more power. I doubt your opponents will be able to have enough Counters to stop Zoro.

Deck List

Yamato (Wano)

Yamato (Sky Island)

OP06 Yamato 


OP06 Yamato 

(Sky Island)


Characters x46

Events x4


Both decks have similar cards, but different build to utilise their aggressiveness of the deck. It depends on which you like more and what cards you prefer in the build as the Sky Island build only have a few Sky Island cards, whilst the Wano deck is mainly filled up with Wano cards. But the one main difference is that the Wano deck will be playing with your Life area more than Sky Island, as Sky Island build focus more spamming the field with Characters, preparing to swing at your opponent's Life in one go. 

The Wano build can spam Characters, but we will be using Trigger effects for that instead of playing cards for free from our hand. This is also why, Yamato need to hit with Double Attack as soon as possible, so we can trigger the cards easier. So if you get a chance to attack with the Leader, I would mainly give her as much DONs as possible so the sooner we hit your opponents down to 3 Life, the easier for the Trigger effects.

Although for both decks I am thinking to bump the number OP06 Zoro to 3 because he is amazing, and if your cards aren't enough to finish off your opponents off, Zoro can as long as your opponents don't have any Blockers on the field to stop Zoro attacks. I might bump Zoro to 4 in the Sky Island build and reduce Arlong to 2 as we do lack high cost Characters unlike Wano build. But this is only a suggestion, feel free to try it. 


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