Sunday, March 24, 2024

OP06 Green/Blue (Zoro & Sanji) Deck Profile

The first duel Leader in the game, but we don't get any dual Leader effects which is a shame. I think it will be awesome if we get 2 different kind of effects because they are dual Leader, but maybe that is me who thinks that way, and it may be too broken. For this Leader, I've came up with 2 different build as I think both builds will be able to make use of the Leader's effect, although one might be way better than the other because of the engine used in the build. Although because this have two builds, there is a lot of sections, so if you don't care about reading, just scroll all the way down for the deck list.

The Power

One of the builds will be making use of these 2 power cards in the deck, not to mention, they are also 2 drop cards which make some cards in that build able to play these cards for free. Urouge can be found in the first green starter deck if you got that deck is a strong card in this build. You do need to give him a DON in order to active his effect, If you have 3 or more Characters, this card gains 2k power. So if we combine this with the extra DON, Urouge will be a 6k beat stick which is not bad for a 2 drop card.

ST12 Sanji's effect works when attacking, but just like Urouge, you do need to give him a DON to work. If you have 5 or less cards in hand, this Character gains 2k power until the start of your next turn, so it means we would have a 5k beat stick on the field. 5 or less is very easy to do especially when the build focus on low cost Characters. The only thing you won't be having is the Counter, but for this kind of effect, removing the Counter number does balance things out. Sanji is a 6k beat stick on your turn just like Urouge, but the requirements is a lot easier as we don't need at least 3 Characters on the field just for the power bonus.

Draw Power

Well, as we focus on spamming Characters for 1 of the builds, having the draw powers for the deck will help us a lot. OP01 Killer is also a Blocker with an on block effect. However, the on block effect only works if you give Killer a DON. The effect is, if you have 3 or more Characters, draw 1 card. Just like Urouge, having 3 or more Characters is not too difficult especially when you only plays a lot of low cost Characters to spam the field. But the extra draw power will be very handy as we will need all the draw power we can get to maintain a decent hand size.

OP02 Ivankov is a card that only works on play, but is also a 7k beat stick. Being a 7k beat stick means we could untap him using the Leader's effect allowing us to do an extra attack against your opponents. Anyway, the on play effect is draw cards until you have 3 cards in your hand and then play 1 6 cost or less Impel Down Character from your hand. Do note that we can play any Impel Down Characters including himself.

Which is why I am also running ST12 Ivankov in the build, so we could have more choices to choose from plus ST12 Ivankov also focus on draw power more than OP02 version. ST12 ver have 2 effects, the first effect works on play, reveal 1 card from top of your deck and play up to 1 2 cost Character, then place the rest at the top or bottom of your deck. I wouldn't worry too much about the on play effect because of his second effect. When attacking, if you have 6 card or less in your hand, draw 1 card. So if the card you need is at the top, you can draw that card using this effect, but then again, Ivankov does have summon sickness, so by the time we draw that card, it will be a new turn.


Now we move on to the Green resting mechanic. Sugar full effectiveness is having Donquixote Pirates Leader, and I know Zoro & Sanji is not Donquixote Pirates, so we will be only focusing on the on play effect. Rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. The reason why I am running her, because she has a rest effect, plus also a 2 drop, and we have a card in the 2 drop build who let us use Sugar's on play effect during your opponent's turn, so we could slow down your opponent's attacks.

OP02 Chopper only works when attacking, and you will need to give Chopper a DON to use his effect. Rest 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Characters. 2 cost or less is not a huge target, but we could easily remove low cost Characters as well as being able to return Chopper to our hand so we could have the 2k Counter number when we need to use counters.

ST02 Apoo is another 2k Counter like Chopper, and just like Chopper, you will need to give him a DON to work. When attacking, rest up to 1 of your opponent's DON cards. Now this is not once per turn, so if you make Apoo a 5k beat stick, you could untap him using the Leader's effect to tap another DON card on your opponent's field. So in one turn, you could potentially tap 2 DONs on your opponent's turn, weakening their chances of using multiple Event counters from their hand.

The final resting effect is Because of Justice, now the rest effect is a Trigger effect so it is up to you if you want to use this effect or not. The effect is rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. The Counter effect is just the standard for all cost 0 Event Counter, you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 3k power this battle. This is very handy especially when  you use up all your DONs in that  turn, and need some help with the counters power.

Checking Top Cards

There are 2 cards in the build which enables us to check the top card and since both are 2 drops, it makes things even better. Usopp is a promo, and knowing that it is a Bandai game, when it comes to promos, they are expensive to get, but Usopp will be needed to make the deck more efficient. The effect works on play, look at top 5 cards of your deck and place them at the top or bottom in any order. You will mostly want this to arrange the order of your cards so you will be able to play 2 drop to the field for free. But more importantly, we can reuse this on play effect thanks to the Leader, bouncing him back to hand.

But the one card we can get is Duval as he is in the starter deck. Duval is also a Blocker, but the on play effect is a bit weaker than promo Usopp. The effect works on play, look at top 3 cards of your deck and place them at the top or bottom in any order. Again, you would mostly want to arrange the top cards so you could play 2 drops for free on top of your deck.

Free Play

We are mainly moving to a different build with these cards, the other build where we focus on playing cards for free to spam the field with ease instead of just focusing on 2 drops. OP01 Kid have 2 different effects. The first effect works during your opponent's turn and you need to give him a DON to work. If this Character is rested, your opponent cannot attack any card other than Kid. Because Kid is also a 8k beat stick, your opponents will need high power beat stick in order to KO Kid. Plus it will also force your opponents to use up some DONs on their field. The second effect works once per turn, you may rest this Character to play 1 3 cost or less Character from your hand. It really depends if you want to sacrifice a beat stick to play free card, but on the bright side, we can use this effect on the turn we played Kid, so it forces your opponents to attack Kid.

FILM Brook only works on play, play up to 1 3 cost or less FILM or Straw Hat Character from your hand. As you pretty much guess, the other build I'll be using for Zoro & Sanji is the FILM engine, personally I think the FILM engine fits Zoro & Sanji Leader really well as we can fill up the board whilst returning certain cards. If we bring back FILM Brook to our hand, we could reuse his on play effect to play another Character.

ST12 Mihawk only works on play, if you have 2 or less Characters, play up to 1 4 cost or less Muggy Kingdom or Slash Attribute Character other than Mihawk from your hand rested. Just like the Green Uta build, we can use Mihawk to play Brook (since Brook is a Slash Attribute) to play another FILM Character. So for 3 DONs, we would be able to get 3 Characters on the field at once. Plus we can bounce Mihawk back to our hand for the 2k Counter if we need the Counter power for defending.

Finally another Event Counter Plastic Surgery Shot, but for the 2 drop build. You can use this Event as soon as possible to fill up the board. The Counter effect is 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 2k power this battle, then reveal 1 card from top of your deck, play 1 2 cost Character, and place the rest at the top or bottom of the deck. This is the card that will synergies really well with Sugar, we using Plastic Surgery Shot to play Sugar, Sugar will then trigger her on play effect allowing us to rest one of your opponent's 4 cost or less Character stopping 1 of their attacks, or potentially 2 if we include this card.


The cards that focus on returning your opponent's cards, they are used in 2 different builds. OP02 Luffy is also an Impel Down Character which means we could play him for free using OP02 Ivankov's effect. The effect works on play/when attacking. You may trash 2 cards from your hand to return 1 4 cost or less Character to the owner's hand. Then, this Character gains Double Attack this turn. The downside is trashing cards in you hand, but on the bright side he keeps the Double Attack for a turn, allowing Luffy to take 4 Life in 1 turn if its possible thanks to the Leader's effect untapping Luffy.

I do personally think OP06 Pudding is needed especially when the latest meta can gain a large hand size with ease. But there will be some games, that Pudding is useless, because you know, she's not useful against all decks, but most of the decks will be pretty handy. The on play effect is your opponent returns all cards in their hand to their deck and shuffles their deck. Then your opponents draw 5 cards. Obviously if your opponents have low hand size, no point using this effect to help them refill their hand. But we do have Zoro & Sanji Leader who is able to return Pudding to hand so we can reuse her on play effects again.

For the other builds, I am running Red Roc for the control aspect of the game instead of focusing on being aggressive. Red Roc main effect is place 1 Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. Literally we do not care about the Character costs unlike certain cards which makes this so useful to have. The Trigger effect lets you place 1 4 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. 4 cost or less is not bad, and might be able to stop your opponent's attacks, but if you need the main effect, then you would get Red Roc to hand.

Gravity Blade Raging Tiger is one of the latest card in this set, and also another strong card, but really depends on the situation. The main effect is place up to 2 6 cost or less Characters to the bottom of the owner's deck in any order. With this card, we can target 2 major beat sticks, but I would prefer Red Roc most of the time for high cost remove. Raging Tiger will be able to slow your opponent's down by reducing 2 Characters, so they will not be able to attack with a lot of Characters. The Trigger effect is a bit better than Red Roc, place 1 5 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. Most of the main Characters are around 4-5 cost so this will be handy to target your opponent's field.


Now for the Blockers stuff. 1 of them is in a different build whilst the other 2 will be in the same build since they are FILM cards. OP05 Corazon is a 2 drop Blocker with an effect which will works amazing with the other cards who only work with 2 drop Characters. The effect works during your opponent's turn, if your rested Character would be KO'd, you may trash this Character instead. I personally think this is designed to go with KO'd effects instead of attacking as you could use Corazon to block and stop the attack.

FILM Luffy is a Blocker with an on play effect which is similar to FILM Brook. Play up to 1 4 cost FILM or Straw Hat Character from your hand. You could use Luffy to play Brook, then Brook will be able to play another extra card. But more importantly is that Luffy is a 7k power base Character which means we can untap him using Zoro & Sanji Leader's effect. Making Luffy being able to attack twice, then we also run ST11 Uta who can untap Luffy during the end phase, so we do not lose our 7k Blocker.

ST11 Uta is in the build as she is a 3 cost FILM Blocker with a very handy effect that works during your end phase. You may trash 1 Event from your hand to untap 1 of your FILM Characters. I mainly target FILM Luffy as Luffy is a Blocker, maybe also FILM Nami because I want to keep her search effects. Plus if your Event cards are useless, you can just trash them with Uta so you don't need to keep them, but I would only recommend doing that if you find certain Event cards useless during the game, and you know, you won't be using them anytime soon.

FILM Characters

Now for the rest of the FILM Characters, 2 of them are vanillas of the deck, so we can ignored the effects, but Law and Zoro are Slash Attribute Characters allowing Mihawk to target those Characters to play them for free. FILM Law effect works during the main phase. By paying 1 DON, you may return this Character to the owner's hand to play 1 3 cost Character. For 3 cost Character we have plenty of choices, but my favourite move is definitely use Law to swap for Mihawk, then Mihawk to play FILM Brook, and then Brook to play the other 3 cost FILM Characters, filling up the field for 1 DON.

FILM Nami is the main searcher of the deck as we are running plenty of FILM Characters so you will be able to hit the search effect with ease. Her effect works on play/when attacking, by paying 1 DON, look at the top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 FILM card other than Nami and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. What I like about this card is that we can use FILM Law to play Nami, so it will only cost us 2 DONs altogether to use Nami's effect instead of paying 4 including the effect.

Optional Choices

For the FILM deck I am running OP06 Zoro for the extra attacks. Of course being a 9k beat stick means we won't be able to target Zoro with the Leader's effect, but my plan isn't like that. I have both Zoro and the Leader doing multiple attacks to finish off your opponents for that turn. You can run Zoro in the 2 drop builds if you also want the exact same effect like the FILM deck.

Zoro have 2 effects, the first effect works when attacking, by paying 1 DON, untap this Character. The second effect works during the main phase, by paying 2 DONs, untap this Character, so we can potentially do 3 attacks for 3 DONs in total. Plus an additional 2 attacks using the Leader's effect, so we wouldn't really care about Blockers stopping these attacks, unless your opponents have multiple of Blockers on the field to stop the attacks.

Deck List

2 Drop Spam


OP06 Zoro & Sanji

(2 Drop Spam)

OP06 Zoro & Sanji



Characters x44

Events x6


2 very different builds. One build focus on draw power whilst the other gains a massive hand size thanks to the FILM cards. But the 2 drop spam build can easily fill up the field so you do use your hand with ease so this is why I added a few draw power in the build to cover that weakness. The FILM deck on the other hand, once you can trigger Nami search effect, gaining a massive hand is not difficult, but I think Zoro & Sanji Leader can make use of FILM Brook or Luffy's on play effect.

If you want to play OP06 Zoro in the 2 drop deck, I would actually take out either OP02 Ivankov or Luffy so we can have the same effect as the FILM deck when it comes to multi attacking. Everything else, I would keep because its a 2 drop deck, and we want to spam those low cost Characters to build up a board, leaving only the 2 high cost Characters left to change.

With the FILM deck we have control, Blockers as well as being aggressive all in one deck. I mainly took this deck idea from Green Uta build and use this on Zoro & Sanji build as I think they work perfectly together. You have the free spamming the board making the use of Zoro & Sanji returning Characters to your hand, so you won't lose out on much, plus with the ability to do multiple attacks with the beat stick and OP06 Zoro to finish off your opponents.


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