Monday, March 18, 2024

OP06 Green (Hody) Deck Profile

The power of Fishmen, but I was actually surprised how well this deck can spam Characters to the field with ease. The only problem is the defence of the deck. I couldn't really find any good Event cards that could go well with this build, so if you get rushed, it will hurt a bit if you don't use Counters. But I guess the best defence is the best offence. There is one major issue with this build and I hope this problem will be fixed in future sets.

The Power

The power cards of the deck, and its these 4 officers. Zeo can easily hit magic numbers by giving him a DON in order to use his effect. When attacking, if your Leader is New Fishman Pirates, untap 1 of your DONs and this Character gains 1k power this turn. Then, add 1 card from top of your Life to your hand. I wouldn't worry too much about the Life because of Hody Leader's effect, which means Zeo can be a nice constant 5k beat stick with an untapping DON effect. He is also a 2k counter which is great to use for defending.

Daruma is also like Zeo where you need to give him a DON to trigger his effect. When attacking, if your Leader is New Fishman Pirates, untap this Character and this Character gains 1k power for the turn. Then, add 1 card from top of your Life to your hand. Basically Daruma will be swinging twice in one turn as the effect is once per turn. We wouldn't care about the Life cost because of Hody Leader, so Daruma is one of our main beat stick of the deck.

Dosun is also a card that works when attacking, but unlike Zeo and Daruma, you don't need to give him a DON to work. When attacking, if your Leader is New Fishman Pirates, this Character cannot be KO'd in battle and gains 2k power until the start of your next turn. Then, add 1 card from top of your Life to your hand. This will means Dosun can be a constant 6k beat stick even on our opponent's turn which is nice to have, but not like that makes a difference because Dosun can't KO by battle, so your opponents definitely need to removal to remove him.

The final powerhouse is Hyouzou. Now Hyouzou effect works during the main phase. Once per turn, rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters and this Character gains 1k power this turn. Then, add 1 card from top of your Life to your hand. This means we can rest 4 cost or less Blockers who could stop your attacks, plus on top Hyouzou will become a 7k beat stick for a turn. The only downside is that Hyouzou doesn't have a Counter unlike the other officers.


Lets move on to the green style of the deck and that is the resting mechanic. OP06 Arlong resting effect comes from the Trigger effect, so his main effect is totally different. The effect is on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your opponent's Leader cannot attack until the end of your opponent's next turn. This is very strong especially when your opponent's Leader have a when attacking effect, so we can stop those Leader for 1 turn. The Trigger effect is rest  1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. Now since Arlong doesn't have a Counter, using the Trigger may not be bad at all unless your opponents only have rested Characters on the field.

Hody is a card that can be used in a lot of builds because of the effect and the ability to have Rush on top, which makes Hody really strong. The effect is on play, rest up to total of 2 of your opponent's Characters or DON, then add 1 card from top of your Life to your hand. Life restrictions doesn't matter in this build since our Leader can prevent cards from adding Life to hand, but its the fact that you can either rest DONs or Characters of your choice which makes him great in a lot of builds.

Whichever Side Wins is our only Event Counter as I can't find much Event Counters that can really suit this build. Anyway the Trigger effect is exactly the same as OP06 Arlong's Trigger Effect. Rest  1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. But because this is a 0 Event counter, you might want it in your hand instead of using the Trigger effect, although it will depends on the situation. The Counter effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 3k power this battle. 

Noah is a Stage card with only an on play effect. The on play effect is rest all of your opponent's Characters. For 6 DONs, you don't want to play this on your turn, you want to rely on luck and hit this Stage Trigger effect. The Trigger effect is play this card. Thanks to this Trigger effect, we can stop your opponent's Characters for 1 turn which is why I don't really want to see Noah in my hand if possible. But we do have cards that can discard Noah in hand, so I think it's all good.

Free Plays

In my honest opinion, I liked these 3 cards in this build as they really help us to spam the board with ease. Well one of them is only a Trigger effect, but if you hit it, then it is worth it to set up the next attack. Ikaros only works on play, if your Leader is New Fishman Pirates, play 1 4 cost or less Fishman Character from your hand, then add 1 card from top of your Life to your hand. For 4 cost or less Fishman, we have plenty of choices, making Ikaros really effective in this build, especially when we don't care about the Life costs in this build.

OP06 Hatchan is mainly for his Trigger effect, otherwise he is just a plain vanilla 4 drop beat stick we have in the build. The Trigger effect is play 1 3 cost or less Fishman or Merfolk Character from your hand. Again, just like Ikaros, this is really easy to trigger as we have plenty of choices we could choose from, unless your hand doesn't have those Character costs.

ST12 Mihawk is very strong in this build and you will see why when you've read the effect. On play, if you have 2 or less Characters, play up to 1 4 cost or less Muggy Kingdom or Slash Attribute Character other than Mihawk from your hand rested. Most of the 4 cost or less Characters have Slash Attribute so you could easily spam the field with big drops. If you don't have 2 or less Characters, don't worry as Mihawk also have 2k Counters which is good for defending.

Fishman Support

Two more cards in this build to support the Fishmen. OP06 Camie is a Merfolk, but we will be able to search for Fishman Characters with her effect. On play, look at top 4 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Fishman or Merfolk card other than Camie and add it to your hand. Then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Just a simple searcher and nothing else I could write for Camie.

Vander Decken on the other hand is a removal. We rarely have removal in this build so we will be mainly attacking your opponent's Characters to weaken their field. The effect is on play, you may trash 1 Fishman card from your hand, or 1 Ark Noah from your hand or field to KO 1 of your opponent's rested Characters. We can KO any Characters without worry about the cost restrictions as long as those Characters are rested. Not to mention, we can also trash Noah on the field so we could replace it with another Noah, but that's only useful for the Trigger effect rather than playing Noah on your turn.

OP06-118 Zoro

Personally, I don't know how to fit Zoro in these sections, so I guess I write a section just for Zoro. I can just say, he will be used in a lot of builds that can utilise Green because of his effect. There is 2 effects Zoro have, and the first effect works when attacking. Once per turn, by paying 1 DON, you can untap this Character, giving him the ability to attack again.

But what's more is the second effect which makes Zoro really deadly. The second effect works during the main phase, by paying 2 DONs, you can untap this Character. So potentially, Zoro can attack 3 times in 1 turn, and if you give him any DONs to power Zoro up even more, we can easily win on that turn we used Zoro for attack. But that is only if your opponents don't have multiple Blockers to block Zoro attacks.

Deck List

OP06 G Hody


I guess this deck is very easy to build for new players as there's only 1 card from older set, but the rests are from this set and the new starter deck (maybe difficult to find thanks to Bandai). The key thing about this build is that we play this deck with the mind of being aggressive as we don't have any defensive cards to protect ourselves. I think this is the only drawback for this build. I couldn't find any Event cards that could really suit this deck style, hopefully we can get more Event cards in future set that could help this deck.

Your Leader won't be attacking most of the time when you use the Officer's effects, as they all will be taking your Life as a cost. Since we have a mono coloured Leader, I'm quite happy to keep my Life as much as possible as we don't have cards where we need less Life to work. If you can see Mihawk, I would play him as soon as possible since during the mid to late games, we can easily fill up the field, unless your opponents perform board wiping on your Characters.

Zoro is like a final push for the win, whilst Hody is what we want with the ability to rest cards on the field. I think with the addition of these two cards as well as the ability to spam the board, it is why this build is more aggressive than other green decks. We do have some rest effects, but most of them are Trigger base effect which will require luck to work.

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