Friday, March 15, 2024

OP06 Black (Moria) Deck Profile

I'm going to make this build a bit different as I won't be running Great Eruption in case the card does get banned in English. The possibility is very high if Bandai decided to follow the exact ban list as the JP Meta. The replacement for the deck is very easy. But if Great Eruption is not banned in English, then I guess we could just use that card instead of the replacement I am using in this build.

Cost Reducers

Like always we are running plenty of cost reducers for this deck as we will need these to trigger some of the removals in the build. OP02 Kuzan have 2 effects, the first effect works on play, draw 1 card. Simple draw, but very strong which is why Great Eruption is banned in JP Format. The second effect works when attack, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 4 this turn. This is more of a constant cost reducer on top of the draw power as well as being a 5k beat stick which makes Kuzan an amazing card to use.

If Great Eruption did not have the draw power, I guess it will be like OP02 Tsuru. Tsuru only works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 2 this turn. She's very nice to have especially only costing 1 DON to play, so you could use your other cards, especially Moria's Leader effect. Plus she is also a 2k Counter card which is good for defending.

ST06 Tashigi is very similar to Tsuru, but instead of the effect being on play, she is activate main instead. You may rest this Character to reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 2 this turn. Just like Tsuru, Tashigi is also a 2k Counter, but unfortunately, she's only 4k power, so if you want to hit some magic numbers, you need to give her some DONs.

ST06 Helmeppo is great in this build because we got a 8 cost Moria in this build who lets us play 2 Characters from the trash, and Helmeppo can be one of those targets since he only has an on play effect. The effect is reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 3 this turn. This effect is a bit stronger than Tsuru and Tashigi as you could make 5 cost Characters down to 2 which is what we really need to aim at in this build.

Ice Age main effect lets you reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 5 this turn. This Event mainly targets your opponent's big Characters since there will be more decks who will be running big drop Characters in the build, and we want to remove them with ease, which is why Ice Age will be great in this format. The Trigger effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 3 cost or less Characters. You might be able to trigger this, you may not, but really, it depends on the situation.

Soap Sheep is mainly Great Eruption replacement if that card eventually gets banned. It is not a Navy card so you won't be able to search this with Brannew's effect, but the effect works similar to Great Eruption except without the draw power. The effect is reduce up to 2 of your opponent's Characters cost by 2 this turn. I personally take this card especially when there's a few decks out there who can go wide very quickly, and being able to reduce 2 Characters instead of 1 can be helpful. The Trigger effect is your opponent trashes 1 card from their hand, pretty much same as Great Eruption's Trigger.


I guess when it comes to removals, we only got 2 cards who can do the job. OP05 Lucci works on play, you may return 3 cards from your trash to the bottom of your deck in any order. KO up to 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Characters and KO up to 1 of your opponent's 1 cost or less Characters. This is a nice removal to have as we are able to KO at least 2 Characters reducing their board. It is also not hard to do as we got plenty of cost reducers in the deck. On top of that, Lucci is also a 6k beat stick.

Absalom is another card that is very similar to Lucci's effect. On play, you may return 2 cards from your trash to bottom of your deck to KO up to 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Characters. Unlike Lucci, we can't KO 2 Characters at once, but we can still return cards from the trash to the deck which is very nice to have as this build is more of a mill deck. Plus Absalom also have a 1k Counter unlike Lucci, I know 1k Counter may not be very strong, but it is still useful to have on Characters.


Here are two cards who actually mill your deck on top of Moria Leader's effect. Brannew works on play, look at top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Navy card other than Brannew and add it to your hand, trash the rest. He's pretty much just a searcher for the deck, and we are running plenty of Navy cards in the build, so you can easily hit the cards,

Cindry only works on play, if your Leader is Thriller Bark Pirates, trash the top 5 cards of your deck. I wouldn't worry about trashing 5 cards as we have both Lucci and Absalom who can return cards back to your deck. Plus we also need the mill so we could choose what cards we can play from Moria Leader's effect. Plus even if you don't need the mill, she can be use as a 2k counter card.


Now we move on to the Blockers. I think currently, these 3 will be a good staple in the build. OP02 Kizaru has an additional effect which only works on your opponent's turn. This Character gains 1k power and can't be KO'd by effects. I guess what makes this very strong is being a 4 drop 6k Blocker as well as prevent from KO abilities. But the downside is that he can still be removed using Trigger effects since Triggers mainly activate on your turn or non KO abilities.

This is also why we have OP04 Sabo in the build. Sabo only works on play, none of your Characters can be KO'd by effects until the start of your next turn. Then draw 2 and trash 2 cards from your hand. The best thing about this effect is that we can play Sabo before we attack, so our Characters can be protected from Trigger effects who would be KOing your cards. Plus he is a nice hand filter in case we draw plenty of cards we can't use for Counters.

The final Blocker, OP05 Rebecca. 0 power, but the on play effect can be very handy especially for a mill deck like Moria. The effect is add up to 1 black Character with cost 3 to 7 other than Rebecca from your trash to your hand. Then play 1 black 3 cost or less Character from your hand rested. We will have plenty of 3 cost or less to choose from, especially when most of them have on play effects. The only card I would avoid is Tashigi since she only works by resting the card.

Thriller Bark

The rest of the Thriller Bark cards that I haven't mention for the post. OP06 Moria works in a lot of Black builds since the card is not Thriller Bark restricted, which makes him really good. The effect only works on play, choose 1 4 cost or less Character and 1 2 cost or less Character from your trash. Play 1 as active and play the other as rest. All we need to focus are the 4 cost cards like the Blockers. The low cost cards will have on play effects, so it wouldn't matter if we play them as rest. We just want to trigger those cards on play effects.

Dr Hogback is another card that allows us to return cards from our trash back to deck so we can prevent from decking out. The effect works on play, you may return 2 cards from your trash to bottom of your deck in any order. Add 1 Thriller Bark Pirates card other than Dr Hogback from your trash to your hand. I mainly use this to target 8 cost Moria if I accidently mill that card to the trash as he is able to pull off a board spam in one turn.

OP06 Persona is quite handy because she is also a 2k Counter and also a 5k beat stick on the field. The effect only works on play, if your opponent has 5 or more cards in their hand, you can either choose, your opponent chooses 1 card from their hand and trash it, or reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 3 this turn. The only downside is that we need your opponents to have at least 5 cards to trigger this effect, early turns, this is no problem, but when it comes to late game, her effect becomes kinda redundant depending on the situation.

Deck List

OP06 B Moria


The deck is a mix of Thriller Bark Pirates and Navy cards. The Navy cards are amazing especially when most of the cost reducers are Navy. But what you want is constantly milling your deck, so you can have chooses to choose from when you use Moria's Leader effect. You also got 3 cards, Lucci, Absalom And Hogback who returns cards from your trash to the deck in order to trigger their effects. 

If you want to use Moria Leader's effect, he will cost you 3 DONs per turn, but you will be able to play your 4 drops Thriller Bark cards for 3 instead of 4, saving you 1 DON spare. It might not make a huge difference, but we do have a few 1 cost cards in the build to make use of the extra DONs left active. But overall, you pretty much have a win win situation when your opponents KO your Thriller Bark cards. You either trigger their on play effects again, or your opponents will be stuck with getting hit by 5k beat sticks.

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