Sunday, March 17, 2024

OP06 Blue/Purple (Reiju) Deck Profile

I thought this was the next budget build, but the SR Reiju is pretty good outside Germa 66 deck, so it wasn't a surprise seeing SR Reiju price (at the time this was written). But then again the prices for most of the SR in this set is more expensive than the last set, whether if the set was short printed or not. Maybe its short printed that made the cards more expensive (like YGO) or its just the SR cards are really good in this set. Anyway I do like the style Reiju deck plays where we can fill up the board with big cost Characters.

The Power Rangers

If you've seen the anime, you would have seen their transformation, but we are missing Sanji, and I think he's in OP07 set which is a long while away. Ichiji works on play, if the number of DONs is equal or less than you opponent's field, reduce 1 of your opponent's Character power by 2k and this card gains Rush this turn. More important, the rush really helps the deck as we could go aggressive as soon as possible.

Judge isn't really a card where you need 4 of him simply because getting 8 DONs might be a bit difficult compare to a normal One Piece build. 2 Judge will be enough in the build. We also don't have any ways to cheap Judge out into the field easily like the other cards. Judge have 2 different effects, the first effect works on play, by returning 1 DON, play up to 4 GERMA 66 Characters with different name and 4k power or less from your trash. This allows you to fill up the board in one turn which is not bad at all. The second effect works once per turn, by returning 1 DON, you can rest up to 1 of your opponent's DON. This effect is very effective as we could easily stop your opponents from using Event counters from their hand.

Niji is another card like Ichiji. On play, if the number of DONs is equal or less than you opponent's field, choose one of the following, KO 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Characters or return 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters to the owner's hand. The KO is weak personally, but the returning cards back to hand can be very handy especially when your opponents have Blockers on the field, as we could easily go for the final push for game.

Yonji is a very handy Blocker, especially when we can play him back from the trash again and use the Blocker skill. But he does have an additional effect which is if the number of DONs is equal or less than you opponent's field, this Character gains 1k power. This means that he will become a 6k Blocker as this is a continuous effect which is what I like for a 4 drop Blocker. And it is also easy to have less DONs than your opponents with this build, so we can easily trigger Yonji's power.

Reiju is a card that we could use in a lot of builds and not just GERMA 66 deck. The effect is on play, if the number of DONs is equal or less than you opponent's field and you have 5 or less cards in your hand, draw 2 cards. You can easily run out of hand in this build as you will be mainly setting up the key pieces for your trash so you could play those cards with your Character's effects.

Judge's Targets

Judge can target all these cards, but 3 of these cards have their transformation and you can play those cards from the hand or trash. Ichiji activates during the main phase, by returning 1 DON, you may trash this Character, if your Leader is GERMA 66, play 1 7 cost Ichiji from your hand or trash. Since the 7 drop Ichiji doesn't have a Counter, we will be mainly playing him from our hand, unless we got ways to discard the 7 drop in our hand.

Sora literally the name of a hero if you know the history of GERMA 66, but she is their mother and Judge's wife. But anyway the effect let us bring back cards from our trash. Sora's effect works on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand, if the number of DONs is equal or less than you opponent's field, add 1 Vinsmoke Family Character with 4k power or less from your trash to your hand. She's very important especially when it comes to playing bigger body on the field when we use the low power Vinsmoke's effects.

Niji effect is just like Ichiji. By returning 1 DON, you may trash this Character, if your Leader is GERMA 66, play 1 5 cost Niji from your hand or trash. This time we Niji, we can mainly play him from the trash since 5 cost Niji has Counter, so we can use that card early for defending, then pull this 3 drop Niji effect to bring back 5 cost Niji from the trash. Either way, it will be a win win situation especially 5 cost Niji's on play effect.

2 drop Yonji let us recycle Blockers since 4 drop Yonji is a Blocker, and if he managed to get KO'd, we can play him back using this Yonji's effect. The effect is just like Ichiji and Niji. By returning 1 DON, you may trash this Character, if your Leader is GERMA 66, play 1 4 cost Yonji from your hand or trash.

2 drop Reiju is our main card because of 4 drop Reiju's effect. The effect is just like the brothers. By returning 1 DON, you may trash this Character, if your Leader is GERMA 66, play 1 4 cost Reiju from your hand or trash. 4 drop Reiju is our key card in this build because we will be constantly using cards from our hand, so the draw power will be very handy.

The Searchers

What I like about this deck is the 2 searchers that are able to make using Vinsmoke effects very consistent, and we don't need to draw those Characters in order to use the effect. GERMA 66 effect is look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 GERMA card other than GERMA 66 and add it to your hand. Then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. This effect we can hit a lot of cards unless you are unlucky. The Trigger effect is just draw 1 card, which is meh since I rather have the search effect for the Vinsmoke cards.

Kingdom of GERMA is another searcher. The effect works by trashing 1 card and resting this Stage. Look at the top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 GERMA card  and add it to your hand. Then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. What I like about this card is being able to trash cards from our hand, so if we draw multiple Stage cards since we can only have 1 on the field, we can trash them in our hand to search for better cards.


Personally, I don't think Queen might be that helpful considering that he cost 5 to play and we are constantly reducing our DONs since we want to trigger the Characters effect. But these cards might be still be useful to the deck. Kaya only has on play effect which is draw 2 and trash 2 cards. She is definitely useful especially when you don't have the right cards to pull off the Vinsmoke transformations, so she will be able to filter out your hand in order to draw the card you need. Beside even if you don't need to use her effect, she is also a 2k Counter which is great for defending.

Zala on the other hand is a ramp card. We do need a least some ramp as Reiju Leader is just not enough to keep the DONs on the field. The effect works on play, you may trash 1 card to add 1 DON as rest. Another plus side for Zala is that we can trash the Vinsmoke cards since we can play those Characters from the trash. The Trigger effect is by returning 1 DON, play this card. Unfortunately Reiju Leader doesn't trigger this, so we will be playing Zala for nothing. I guess she is a 2k counter like Kaya if you don't need the ramp.

OP06 Pudding is a situational card, but a lot of decks these days gain a lot of cards in their hand from searching cards from their decks, so Pudding is really useful for a one off card. Although Pudding will not work against every match, maybe she will depending who you play against. The effect is on play, your opponent returns all cards in their hand to their deck and shuffles it. Then, your opponent draws 5 cards. Of course, if your opponent only have 2-3 cards in their hand, there will be no point playing Pudding to give them the advantage, but if you know your opponent is using a lot of search effects to add specific cards to their hand, playing Pudding can really mess them up big time.

Deck List

OP06 U/P Reiju


You will be playing a lot of big drop Characters for free, except Judge, you need to wait until you have 8 DONs in order to play Judge, but the rest of the deck is fine. The amount of returning DONs back to deck is a lot and I could add OP05 Kid to help with the ramping, but I didn't. You can take out Yonji for OP05 Kid, but Yonji can also lets you play early Blockers if you have the cards.

Anyway what I like to see in the opening hand is either GERMA 66 or Kingdom of GERMA, or Kaya to filter out our hand to draw into those cards. Either way you have 12 cards out of 50 cards to see them, so the chances aren't low. But those cards will definitely make the deck so much consistent especially Kingdom of GERMA who can always search out your cards.

I wouldn't worry too much about low hand size as my main priority is to spam 4 drop Reiju's effect for the draw power. 5 or less cards in hand is not a lot and it is easy to do with the amount of trashing cards in your hand, so you don't have to play Counters early unless you see 4 drop Reiju early, so you could get the early draw power whilst also protecting your Life.

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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.