Saturday, March 30, 2024

OP06 Green (Uta) Deck Profile

For this build, I've decided to post 2 deck builds for Uta. Both build will still use the FILM engine, but the style will be a bit different, it really depends what you prefer really, as I'm just giving some ideas in what you can do with Green Uta build. I wouldn't say there's a huge change between the 2 builds as the FILM engine as well as some of the extra supports for the deck. Replacing them will be difficult so this is why I've kept the 2 builds very similar as we want the hand size as well as spamming the field with ease.

The Songs

The one thing that hasn't changed will be using these three songs cards for the build as they are really useful for the deck. All of these cards only works if your Leader is Uta. Backlight gives you two options for the effect, you either rest 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters or KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less rested Characters. Either these choices will not be bad especially when this card only cost you 2 DONs to use.

New Genesis is a searcher, look at top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 FILM card other than New Genesis and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order and set 1 DON as active. Basically we will be using this searcher for free even if we wiff the effect, but since the build is mostly FILM cards, that will be quite difficult unless you are very unlucky.

I'm invincible is more of a back up plan in case your opponents keep wiping your boards so you rarely have any Characters to attack your opponents with. The main effect is set 1 of your Uta Leader to active. For 3 DONs, this is not too bad as you can put quite a few DONs on Uta to attack with her as a beat stick, then play I'm invincible to untap her. Although to finish off your opponents, they will need to be at low Life like 1-2 Life, but I think 2 Life might be hard unless you have plenty of Characters on the field, 1 Life will be a lot easier.

Free Play

The cards that let us play Characters for free. One of the build will use all 4 of these cards whilst the other build only use 3 of these. OP01 Kid comes with 2 effects, the first effect only works during your opponent's turn and you need to give Kid a DON to work. If this Character is rested, your opponents cannot attack any other cards other than Kid. He mostly acts like a Blocker, and if your opponents have few 5-6k beat sticks on the field, they will need to give them a few DONs to hit over the 8k number, not including you adding the counter numbers. The second effect works is activate main, you may rest this card to play 1 3 cost or less Character from your hand. If you want to trigger Kid's first effect during the turn he is played, you can use the second effect to rest Kid whilst playing another Character, so on your opponent's turn, they will be forced to attack Kid protecting your Characters and Life.

FILM Brook works on play, play 1 3 cost or less FILM or Straw Hat Character from your hand. Nothing too special with this effect aside from being a 5k beat stick to swing at your opponent's Leader/Characters, but I wouldn't hard play Brook unless I don't have the 2 Characters in my hand to play Brook for free.

One of these cards is FILM Luffy. FILM Luffy is a Blocker with an on play effect similar to Brook. On play, play 1 4 cost or less FILM or Straw Hat Character from your hand. With this effect, we will use Luffy to target Brook in our hand to play another Character from our hand. So in one turn we will be able to have 3 Characters on the field as well as having a Blocker to protect ourselves.

But of course, paying 7 DONs will not happen until mid to late game which is why I am also running ST12 Mihawk in the build. Mihawk is a lot cheaper to play than FILM Luffy, but like FILM Luffy we can also spam 3 Characters on the field if we get the right cards in our hand. The effect works on play, if you have 2 or less Characters, play 1 4 cost or less Muggy Kingdom or Slash Attribute Character other than Mihawk from your hand rested. Brook is a Slash Attribute Character, so we will have another way to play Brook for free, which is why I rarely hard play Brook unless I have to.

The Control

Now we talk about the control side of the deck where one of the build will utilise all three of these cards whilst the other build only uses the resting Characters. OP01 Izo works on play, rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. A very simple effect and on top of that, he is a 2k Counter Character which will help on the defending side of things.

FILM Chopper only works when attacking, and you need to give him a DON to work. Rest 1 of your opponent's 2 or less Characters. I'm not too sure if resting 2 or less Characters would help, unless they are Blocker, and you may need to give him more than 1 DON to hit some decent numbers. But just like OP01 Izo, Chopper also have 2k Counter which is great on the defending side.

10 drop Doffy only works on play, but the effect can stop your opponents from going aggressive for a turn. On play, up to a total of 3 of your opponent's rested Leader and Characters can't become active during your opponent's next Refresh Phase. However, there are cards especially Green who are running OP06 sec Zoro can bypass the lock/freeze effect. But that's only against certain type of decks and Doffy will be very effective against most decks.


I do actually run vanilla FILM Characters in both builds, but because they are vanillas I didn't include them in this section. FILM Law is an Activate Main effect. By paying 1 DON, you may return this Character to the owner's hand, play 1 3 cost Character from your hand. Law plays a key role in this build as we have plenty of 3 drop Characters we can choose from, especially being able to play ST12 Mihawk for 1 DON, then spam a lot of Characters in play in that one turn.

FILM Nami is another searcher as you have 2 different type of searching for this build to increase your hand size. The effect works on play/when attacking, by paying 1 DON, look at the top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 FILM card other than Nami and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom. Now there are 2 ways we can play Nami instead of paying 4 DONs altogether. You can use either Law who can play Nami costing you 2 DONs, or using Brook to play Nami if you managed to play Brook for free so you could have DONs to pay for Nami's search effect.

ST11 Uta is a Blocker with an end of your turn effect. You may trash 1 Event from your hand to set 1 of your FILM Character as active. This will means we can swing with 7k FILM Luffy and can untap him at the end of the turn in order to block your opponent's attacks. Of course you can untap your other FILM Characters, but I either mainly target Luffy or Nami for the search effect.

OP06-118 Zoro

The final card that both decks run is Zoro, and honestly if you managed to get him on the field whilst surviving for a turn, he will be able to finish off your opponents off. But that is only if you can survive for that extra turn. Zoro have 2 effects, the first effect works when attacking, by paying 1 DON, you can untap this Character.

Now the second effect is what makes Zoro stands out and it is an Activate Main effect. By paying 2 DONs, you can untap this Character. So combining with the first effect, you have potential to be able to attack your opponents 3 times, all you need is to have 3 active DONs so you can pay the cost. We could give the rest of the DONs to Zoro, so Zoro could become a deadly beat stick to finish off your opponents on that turn. But that is only if your opponents don't have a lot of Blockers on the field to stop this attack.

Deck List

FILM Doffy

FILM Kid & Zoro

OP06 Uta

(FILM Doffy)

OP06 Uta

(FILM Kid & Zoro)


Characters x40

Events x10


Two very similar build except one doesn't use Doffy and the other does. The one doesn't use Doffy means we can constantly trigger Uta Leader's effect to constantly check the top card for any FILMs. Whilst the other build, by playing 10 drop Doffy means we won't be able to use Uta Leader's effect, but in return, we will be able to stop at least 3 attacks on your opponent's field. I think that is the only trade off between both of the decks.

The build with 10 drop Doffy will also have access to FILM Zoro who is another 4 drop Slash Attribute Character which we can play for free using ST12 Mihawk. On top of that he is also a 6k beat stick, so even if we play him as rest, using Counters will be a lot easier to defend him rather than 5k beat stick with Brook. But this is just my personal opinion as Brook lets you spam another Character in one turn.

The Kid build is more about going aggressive, I am thinking to bump Zoro up to 3 so we can have a major finisher, whilst Kid is mostly acting like a Blocker to protect your field from being attacked. You wouldn't have much trouble using Counters to defend Kid as we have the 2 searchers along with Uta Leader to gain a massive hand size.


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