Friday, March 29, 2024

COTD - ST14-017 Thousand Sunny & P-069 Koala

Thousand Sunny

1 Cost Black Stage

Straw Hat Crew

Your black Characters with the {Straw Hat Crew} type have +1 cost. 

[On play] If your leader has the {Straw Hat Crew} type, draw 1 card.


Red Character

1 Cost / 1000 Power (Strike)

Revolutionary Army

[Counter +1000]

[Activate Main] [Once per turn] Give your leader or up to one of your characters up to one rested DON!!.

There's quite a few cards revealed today, but some of them are the ones we've seen already, and some are prizes for the tournament. Although I'm not really sure if we are getting them for the English format considering Bandai have screwed us already with these kind of prizes. Anyway we got a stage card, Thousand Sunny for the black starter deck. Currently the effect is okay as we haven't seen what the rest of the starter deck does, I can't really judge on the effect.

Koala on the other hand I can as she works with the new Dragon Leader, but because it is not Revolutionary Army restricted I can use this in other builds. But come to think of it, the effect is similar to ST01 Nami, but I think Nami needs to rest to activate the effect whereas Koala doesn't. There are several builds for red where we can make use of rested DONs, so if this actually comes out in English, I could update those deck builds by adding the promo.


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