Saturday, March 23, 2024

OP06 Green/Black (Perona) Deck Profile

Perona is very handy as we are able to rest high cost Characters thanks to the Black style of reducing Character costs. But I won't be running Great Eruption in this build, and to be honest, you won't need Great Eruption anyway as this deck will work perfectly fine without it. Personally, this deck is a very control deck as we will have ways to stop your opponents from doing what they want.

Cost Reducers

We don't need a lot of cost reducers in this build as we are not focusing on low cost in order to KO those Characters. We only need to focus on hitting cost 4 and our job is done for the day to trigger the rest of the cards. OP02 Kuzan have 2 effects, the first effect works on play, draw 1 card. A simple draw power, but the second effect is what we are aiming at. When attacking, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters by 4 this turn. 4 is a lot especially when we can target 8 drop Characters with this effect so we could KO those Characters.

OP02 Tsuru only works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters by 2 this turn. Nothing too special, but just a cheap cost reducer. Beside even if you don't need to use Tsuru, you can use her for the 2k Counter power which is really handy. But I think most of the time, you will need to play her for the cheap cost reduction so we can remove those Characters.

ST06 Tashigi effect is basically same as OP02 Tsuru but instead of on play, she works during the main phase. You may rest this Character to reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters by 2 this turn. Tashigi is only a 4k beat stick, so if you have nothing to reduce, you will need to give Tashigi a DON to hit the magic number. Also just like Tsuru, she also have 2k counter and that is only if you don't play Tashigi and just use her for Counter power instead.


Now we have the removals and all these Characters can remove your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters, so we don't need a lot of cost reducer to reduce the cost of big cost Characters. OP01 X Drake works on play, KO 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less rested Characters. This is not difficult to do as Perona is able to rest your opponent's Characters, so then we could play X Drake to KO those Characters instead of waiting for your opponents to attack with those Characters.

Ryuma has a very strong effect as the effect works on play/on KO and it is the exact same effect as Drake but costing 1 less to do so. KO 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less rested Characters. Although with the on KO part, your opponents can just use their high cost Characters to KO Ryuma, so they won't lose any 4 cost or lower for attacking your other cards.

OP06 Brook works on play but giving you two options for 1 effect. On play, choose one, trash 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters, or your opponent places 3 cards from their trash to the bottom of their deck in any order. Now because the effect says Trash and not KO, we can bypass the preventing from KO effects unless the rulings say otherwise. I don't think we need to return cards from your opponent's trash to bottom of their deck unless you are playing against Nami or black decks where they set up the trash to trigger their effects.


Just like cost reducers and removal section, I am also running 3 different Blockers for the deck. OP02 Kizaru, I guess we have no need for the explanation for this card. The one main effect works during your opponent's turn. This Character gains 1k power and cannot be KO by effects, so we would have a 4 drop 6k Blocker to protect against your opponent's attacks which is not bad. Only downside is that Kizaru can be remove on your turn, so if you hit any of your opponent's Trigger effects, then it will hurt.

But I guess this is also why we run OP04 Sabo in the deck just to have that extra protection in case Kizaru is not enough. Sabo works on play, none of your Characters can be KO'd by effects until the start of your next  turn, then draw 2 and trash 2 cards from your hand. We also got the additional hand filter, but having the protections can make our Characters swing at your opponent's Life without worrying about KO effects. But if we are playing against Blue, then that is a different story.

OP05 Corazon works during your opponent's turn. If your rested Character would be KO'd, you may trash this Character instead. This is just in case your opponents decided to target your main beat stick with effects, so you could sacrifice Corazon just to protect that Character. Otherwise if they are only attacking, we can easily use Corazon Blocker ability to protect that Character.

Donquixote Pirates

The Donquixote Pirates engine, I might as well in order to search out some key cards for this build. OP04 Doffy only works on play, up to three of your opponent's rested Leader and Characters cannot become active during your opponent's next Refresh phase. This will hurt some turns especially when we can stop 3 attacks in 1 turn. Although if people run OP06 Zoro, we can only stop Zoro from attacking 3 times. But I guess it is worth a shot to slow your opponents down.

OP05 Baby 5 is just a searcher for Donquixote Pirates. The effect works by paying 1 DON and resting this Character, look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Donquixote Pirates card and add it to your hand. Then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The great thing about Baby 5 is that we can search for any Donquixote Pirates including herself, but the bad thing about this is that we need to rest her to use her effect. You can use some Blockers if you feel like you would get more benefits from using her search effects.

Because of Justice is a Donquixote Pirates Event card on top of that it is also a Counter card which makes Baby 5 searching even better. It is a 0 cost Counter so it will be handy especially when you don't have any active DONs to use. The Counter effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader/Character gains 3k power this battle. The Trigger effect is rest up to 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. Now it is up to you if you want to use this Trigger effect as we do have Perona who is also able to rest your opponent's Characters, but I guess we can slow down your opponent's attacks with this effect.

Rest of Support

I guess there's two cards left and 2 of these cards are literally the main card of the deck. Brannew works on play, look at the top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Navy card other than Brannew and add it to your hand, trash the rest. We are running quite a few Navy cards in this build, so hopefully you could see at least 1 when you use his search effect.

OP06 Moria is in the build because he's a very strong card. I can see him will be use in a lot of Black decks. The effect works on play, choose up to 1 4 cost or less Character and 1 2 cost or less Character from your trash. Play 1 card as active and the other card rested. There aren't a lot of 2 cost or less in this build so the choices are limited, so you will be mainly targeting 4 cost or less as active. But at least we get to play 3 cards in 1 turn for 8 DONs.

Deck List

OP06 Perona


I guess this build focus on removal as we have Perona who have the ability to rest your opponent's Characters so we don't really need a lot of resting Characters in this build. We should focus more on cost reducers so we could KO rested Characters instead, so we don't really care if your opponents have big drop Characters as we got ways to remove those cards.

All I know, in the EB01 set, there will be a few cards we can use to improve this deck, and I think I know which to take out when EB01 comes out in English. You can also fit OP01 Kid if you want extra defence, but I don't think Kid will be needed in this build, unless you just want to use him for the opponent's turn effect instead of playing free cards from hand.

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