Saturday, July 6, 2024

OP07 Yellow (Vegapunk) Deck Profile

This is more like a YOLO deck, however, because this game have summon sickness we won't be getting wipe out very easily. But this deck does have several weakness and OP08 set will make this build better with the additional supports that could slow your opponents down. Overall, you can easily build this deck just with the booster set alone as most of the cards will be in OP07 set.

The Satellites

The thing is with these satellites cards is that they all have the same Trigger effect which is if your Leader is Vegapunk, play this card. The only difference will be their main effects, but a few of them got very basic effects like Shaka for example who is just a 6k Blocker. Atlas effect is very simple, if you have less Life than your opponents, this Character cannot be KO'd in battle. It is a shame that this is not against KO effects as well, but I guess Bandai didn't want to make this too broken. It is also very easy to get less Life than our opponents since Vegapunk start at 2 Life.

Edison works on play, if you have 2 or less Life, draw 2 cards and trash 2 cards from your hand. Again, just like Atlas, this is not difficult to do since we start at 2. The effect is just a hand filter to filter out the cards we won't be needing currently, but we also have a 2k counter on this card, which is great for defending especially since we start with low Life.

Pythagoras is a card that works on KO, with on KO effects, they are risky especially if you don't have ways to make your opponents attack this Character. On KO, if you have 2 or less Life, play one 4 cost or less Egghead Character from your trash rested. We do have few choices in choosing different Egghead Characters to play, but mostly we want to choose Edison or Lilith as those Characters have on play effects we could use on our opponent's turn.

Lastly, we've got Lilith. Lilith is a searcher for Egghead cards, but an expensive searcher as she cost 3 to play instead of 1. The effect works on play, look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Egghead card other than Lilith and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Well, we can play Lilith for 1 by using Vegapunk's effect, so we are not losing too much when it comes to the cost. However, there are better stuff to play rather than Lilith using Vegapunk's effect, so I guess we are fine hard playing this card.

Straw Hats

The difference between these Straw Hats is that they are also Egghead support and 4 of them only have Trigger effects, outside of that, they are plain vanillas. OP07 Usopp's trigger effect is 1 of your Egghead Leader/Characters gains 2k until the end of your next turn. This effect is very strong as we can use this to act as both defence and attacking depending on how you want to use this effect. 

OP07 Jinbe, although there are 2 more Jinbe in OP07 set, looks like he got different colours in this set. He also have a trigger effect which is return 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters to the owner's hand and add this card to your hand. A nice removal on top of 6k beat stick to boot, he will be very handy if we need to swing at your opponent's cards.

OP07 Robin main use is the trigger effect and that is the role she plays in this build. The trigger effect is if your Leader is Egghead, draw 2 cards. The drawing 2 will make a difference, especially when we need to strengthen the defences for this build as we only start with 2 Life.

OP07 Franky can be optional because of the trigger effect requiring specific requirements to work. The trigger effect is draw 1 card, then if you have 1 or less Life, play this card. The draw effect can be useful like Robin, but because Franky is also a 5k beat stick, we do want to play him onto the field, so we could swing at our opponent's cards, unless you want to keep Franky in hand for the 2k counter.

OP07 Luffy is used more in Black/Yellow Luffy rather than Vegapunk build, so the price of this card won't be cheap. The main effect is an activate main, you may trash this Character, if your Life is 2 or less, KO 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters, then, draw 1 card. Very easy to do in this build, and since the effect is an activate main, we can attack with Luffy first, then use the effect to KO something as well as getting the extra draw power. The Trigger effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters, similar to the main effect, but that's only if you are desperate to stop your opponent's attacks, otherwise, we want to keep Luffy in hand more than Life area.


Two of these Events have very long name, it will be a mouthful if we want to say it out loud when we play these cards. The 0 cost Event Counter is very standard and help to strengthen the defence for this build. The counter effect is the same as any other colours, you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader/Characters gains 3k power this turn. The trigger effect is if you have 0 Life, you may add 1 card from top of your deck to top of your Life, then trash 1 card from your hand. The thing with this trigger effect is that it will be luck base since we got no way of adding this card to Life area.

Brilliant Mind is a searcher, the main effect is look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Egghead card other than Brilliant Mind and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of the deck in any order. This will be a great turn 1/2 play to search out the key cards  in the build. The trigger effect is just draw 1 card. I don't think this is too important unless you have low hand size and need that extra draw to use counters against your opponents.

I requasar help is a 1 drop Event Counter. The counter effect is if you have 2 or less Life, 1 of your Leader/Characters gains 3k power this battle. 2 or less Life is very easy to do in this build, but the main thing I want to talk about is the Trigger effect. The trigger effect is play one 5 cost or less Egghead Character from your trash. Thanks to this effect, we could set up the field, but not only that, it means we could use our 5 cost Characters early for counter so we could set up this trigger effect.

Deck List

OP07 Vegapunk


There are ways you want to use Vegapunk's effect to make the full use of the deck. You either want to set up the Trigger, or get Characters on the field so you could attack, this will depends on the matchup. Against aggressive decks, we want to add cards to the Life area so we won't lose easily. Against control decks will depends on the type of decks, decks who focus on removals, we will just set up the Life instead so we won't lose out on the Characters. The Life area is everything in this build, as this is more like a YOLO build, so you need to play this deck differently compare to other builds.

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