Wednesday, July 31, 2024

OP07 Black (Smoker) Deck Profile

Black will be a very difficult deck to update since there's plenty of CP supports, but just like Purple decks, we can still have 1 card we can use for these builds. There won't be too much of a difference compare to EB01 build as we want to focus on getting your opponent's Characters cost to 0.

Cost Reducers

The more cost reducing you can do, the easier you can get high cost Characters down to 0 cost Characters, allowing you to trigger Smoker's power up effect. OP02 Kuzan have 2 effects, the first effect works on play, draw 1 card. The second effect is the main effect we are after. The effect works when attacking, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 4 this turn. 4 is a lot, especially against 4-5 drop Characters, so we could get those Characters down to 0.

OP02 Tsuru is still very handy in these kind of builds. The effect works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 2 this turn. I know 2 is not a lot compare to 4, but don't forget Tsuru is a 1 drop Character. So if we need a quick cost reducing effect, Tsuru is the card to use, otherwise we can use her for the 2k counter during the counter step.

The main card of the deck, 10 drop Kuzan, just like his 4 drop version, we've got 2 effects. The first effect works on your turn, reduce all of your opponent's Characters cost by 5. This is important as it is a continuous effect, and reducing your opponent's field by 5 which makes KOing those Characters a lot easier. It does mean you won't be able to use Smoker's effect for a turn, but it will be worth the cost once you get 10 drop Kuzan in play. The second effect works on play, KO 1 of your opponent's 0 cost Character. Now for this effect to KO any Characters, we need two 10 drop Kuzan on your field to work.

ST06 Hina works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 4 this turn just like 4 drop Kuzan's second effect. On the bright side, she is a 5k beat stick, but the downside is that she doesn't have a counter, so you really don't want her in hand, unless you can discard her for some costs.

ST06 Helmeppo is similar to OP02 Tsuru, on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 3 this turn. I guess the only difference is that we can reduce 1 more than Tsuru. Although, playing Hina would be better as she is able to reduce your opponent's Characters cost by 4 and a 5k beat stick on top.

One of the best Events for this kind of deck is Ice Age. I am more focus on the main effect than the trigger effect. The main effect is reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 5 this turn. Just like 10 drop Kuzan, reducing your opponent's Characters by 5 can be really handy, especially if we need 0 cost Characters for certain effects. The trigger effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 3 cost or less Characters. I personally won't use this unless my opponents has a 3 drop or less beat stick that needs to be stop.

A new additional to this build even though the card has been released ages ago is Navy HQ aka Marineford. Navy HQ is a Stage card so we can use the cost reducing effect more constantly rather than waiting for the Characters. Navy HQ have 2 effects, the first effect works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 1 this turn. I know 1 is not a lot especially when Tsuru can reduce your opponent's Characters cost by 2 for 1 DON. However, we also have the second effect, the effect is an activate main, by resting this Stage, if your Leader is Navy type, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 1. If we combine this with other cost reducers, this can be a deadly effect to set up some cards.


Cost reducers aren't the only sections I am running a lot of as I am also running plenty of removals so your opponents won't be able to attack you easily. EB01 Brook works on play/when attacking. Reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 1 this turn. Then, KO 1 of your opponent's 0 cost Characters. Brook is very handy, because even if you can't KO your opponent's Characters, we still have an extra cost reducer we can use.

EB01 T-Bone only works on play, KO 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Characters. This shouldn't be too difficult to do as we have plenty of cost reducers to reduce your opponent's Characters. Plus T-Bone have a 2k counter we can use during the counter step on top of being a 5k beat stick.

I am thinking to replace OP02 Akainu (Sakazuki) with OP07 Luffy, however, because Akainu is a Navy Character, it does means searching him out from deck will be easier compare to Luffy, plus his effect works better without the need of cost reducers. The effect works on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. 5 cost or less is very high, especially if your opponent has like an 8 drop on the field, we just need 1 or 2 cost reducer to hit 5 cost to KO that Character.

OP05 Lucci helps to reduce your opponent's board so they won't be able to go wide easily. The effect works on play, return 3 cards from your trash to the bottom of your deck, KO 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Characters and 1 cost or less Characters. Lucci works the best if you have 10 drop Kuzan in play, as we won't need to play as much cost reducers to pull this effect off successfully.

OP07 Sabo is the latest addition to the deck from OP07 set and the effect is the same as OP02 Akainu but with an addition KO effect. The effect works on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters and 3 cost or less Characters. This is actually better than Lucci as Sabo doesn't need you to have plenty of cost reducing effect to work, but he is an 8 drop Character, so your best bet is to have 10 Kuzan on the field already.


The Blockers are the same, nothing have changed compare to the previous build. OP02 Kizaru (Borsalino) has an effect that works on your opponent's turn. This Character gains 1k power and can't be KO'd by your opponent's effects. This is very helpful especially he can reduce your opponent options and you will know you would have a 6k Blocker on the field. However, there are ways to get around this effect, it will just depends on the type of deck you are playing against.

Sabo on the other hand protects your entire field. The effect works on play, none of your Characters can be KO'd by effects until the start of your next turn. Then, draw 2 cards and trash 2 cards. So we could play Sabo first before we attack so our Characters won't be able to get KO by trigger effects unless your opponents aren't running any KO effects.

Lastly, we've got OP05 Rebecca, another effect that works on play. Add one 3 to 7 cost black Character from your trash to hand. Then, play one 3 cost or less from your hand rested. Rebecca is one of the key cards in this build because not only she can recycle certain Characters, but we will be able to play most of our cost reducers for free.

The Extras

Now for the rest of the support, I think it is pretty obvious as these cards work pretty well with some of the cards in the build. Brannew is a searcher, but not the proper Navy search as I think Blue got that ability. The effect works on play, look at the top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Navy card other than Brannew and add it to your hand, trash the rest of the cards. At least Brannew could build up the trash for Lucci or Rebecca's effect.

OP06 Moria is a card that works very well in a lot of decks, no matter what style that deck has. The effect works on play, choose one 4 cost or less Character and one 2 cost or less Character from your trash. Play 1 as active and the other as rest. We will have plenty of choices to choose from with this effect like choosing Rebecca so we could also use Rebecca effect to play another Character for free. It really depends what you need on the field to make use of the cards.

Deck List

OP07 Smoker


I've focused very heavy on cost reducing mainly to keep Smoker in my mind for the extra power bonus, but you can have Smoker to act as an extra cost reducer so we can use our removals to remove your opponent's Characters. The deck does 2 things, first reducing your opponent's cost and KOing those Characters with the removal. This way, it will be very hard for your opponents to build a board and set up for an attack unless they are also running cards like OP04 Sabo who protects their field from KO effects.

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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.