Sunday, July 21, 2024

OP07 Green/Purple (Doflamingo) Deck Profile

We've got a little upgrade for this deck. I wouldn't say it's a lot, but the upgrades is good enough. I am still focusing on the control aspect of the deck where we make use of the cards to stop your opponents from doing what they want. Plus this deck is also similar to Nami Mill where we focus more on using Events to affect your opponent's cards. Most of the cards have their own individual roles, so I may have a lot of sections just to talk about those cards.


Firstly, we are starting with these cards that stops your opponents from doing what they want. 10 drop Doffy works on play, up to a total of 3 of your opponent's rested Leader and Characters will not become active in your opponent's next Refresh Phase. The effect is simple, and we can stop your opponent's Leader from attacking which is the key point of this card. We've already got ways to stop your opponent's Characters, only the Leaders will be a bit difficult.

OP06 Arlong is another card that stops your opponent's Leaders. The effect works on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your opponent's rested Leader cannot attack until the end of your opponent's next turn. This is a cheaper version of 10 drop Doffy, but we only targets your opponent's Leaders instead of as well Characters. The trigger effect is rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. Now you might need this effect if your opponents have Characters we can rest.

In the end, the deck centre around Birdcage. If we can get Birdcage on the field, we can stop your opponents from doing multi attacking freely. Birdcage have 2 effects, the first effect only works if you have Doffy as the Leader. All 5 cost or less characters will not become active in both player's Refresh Phase. Yes it does hurt your side of the field as well, but most of the Characters in this build are utilities instead of using those cards for attacks. The second effect works at the end of your turn, if you have 10 DON on your field, KO all rested 5 cost or less Characters. Then, trash this Stage. This is why we want to rest as much of your opponent's Characters as possible, as they will most likely not to attack if Birdcage is on the field.


Now we move on to the key cards to help Birdcage's effect and prevent your opponent's Characters from being active. Sugar have 2 effects, the first effect works on your opponent's turn and once per turn. When your opponent's plays a Character, if your Leader is Donquixote Pirates type, rest 1 of your opponent's Characters. Then, rest this Character. What I like about this effect is that we can target your opponent's Characters who doesn't have summon sickness, so we could prevent that Character from attacking this turn. If they do attack first, then play a Character, we could rest that Character for next turn, either way, it will be a win win situation. The second effect works on play, rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. If Birdcage is on the field, we would be able to prevent 2 of your opponent's Characters from being active.

Hody is very useful in this build, because he is a 7 drop so he can bypass Birdcage restrictions, but also we can rest up to 2 of your opponent's Characters. Hody have Rush with an on play effect, rest up to a total of 2 of your opponent's Characters or DONs. Then, add the top card of your Life to your hand. The only downside to this card is that we take a Life, but in return, we will have a beat stick as well as resting your opponent's cards.

Punk Gibson is not as useful because we have another card from OP07 set who works better than Punk Gibson, but it is a nice back up to have. The counter effect is 1 of your Leader or Characters gains 4k power this battle. Then, rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. 4 cost or less Characters is a low number, especially if we want to rest your opponent's 5 cost Characters too. The trigger effect is rest 1 of your opponent's Characters. The trigger effect doesn't have a cost restriction, unlike the counter effect, so this can be handy in certain situations.

Beam Sword is very useful in this build, not only we can make Birdcage's effect last longer, but we can also rest any Characters we want. The counter effect is by returning 1 DON, 1 of your Leader or Characters gains 2k power this battle. Then, rest 1 of your opponent's Characters. The only downside is that we only gain 2k power instead of 4k power like Punk Gibson. The trigger effect is add 1 DON as active. This is not as important as we don't want to ramp especially if Birdcage is on the field.


Now we move onto the untapping stuff whether it is Characters or untapping your DONs, they will be helpful for the deck. Diamante is a Blocker with an effect that works at the end of your turn. However, you will need to attach a DON to Diamante for the effect to work. If you have 2 or more active DONs, untap this Character. This is very easy to do thanks to Doffy Leader, and we could get around Birdcage restrictions with this card. 

OP04 Baby 5 also works at the end of your turn like Diamante. You may trash this Character to untap 2 DONs. We need to untap DONs as the Event Counters we have in the build are mainly 2 drops. Doffy Leader will not be enough if we want to use multiple of those cards on the same turn.

Spiderweb is our main card, it is the one card that help our Characters to get around Birdcage restrictions. The counter effect is 1 of your Leader or Characters gains 4k power this battle. Then, untap 1 of your Character. This definitely help cards like OP05 Baby 5 who will need to rest to use her search effect. The trigger effect is 1 of your Leader gains 2k power this turn. 2k power is really strong as it will make our Leader 7k base for a turn, making your opponents to use more DONs, or we can just use low number of counters from our hand.


What this build also have is the searchers who could search out the right cards for the deck. OP05 Baby 5 have an activate main effect, by paying 1 DON and resting this Character. Look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Donquixote Pirates card and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. What I like about this searcher is that we can look for any cards, especially Baby 5, however, if we've got Birdcage on the field, we will need to rely on Spiderweb to untap Baby 5 to use her search effect again.

Off White is another 2 cost Event Counter, and it is also a different type of searcher than Baby 5. The counter effect is 1 of your Leader or Characters gains 4k power this battle. Then, look at the top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Donquixote Pirates Character and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. We can only look for Characters instead of any cards which we can hit and miss with this effect, considering we are only looking at the top 3 cards, and this build runs plenty of Events.

Returning DONs

We have ways of making Birdcage to stay on the field longer, so we can make your opponents suffer more, restricting their attacks. To do this, we will need plenty of cards that will be able to return DONs back to the deck. ST04 Queen is a Blocker with an on play effect, by returning 1 DON, draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand. Just a simple draw power effect with a 6k Blocker to stop 1 of your opponent's attacks.

ST10 Law is also another Blocker with an on play effect like Queen. On play, by returning 1 DON, if your opponent have 7 or more cards in their hand, trash 2 cards from your opponent's hand. He's very effective in this build, especially when Birdcage is around, so your opponents might keep a hand size and not attack with their Characters, unless they are constantly replacing their Characters after they attack.

Ragnarok is a really strong card we are running. Birdcage can only stop 5 cost or less Characters from untapping, but can't stop 6 cost or more. This is where Ragnarok kicks in and KO those Characters. The main effect is by returning 1 DON, KO 1 of your opponent's 8 cost or less Characters. Unfortunately, we won't be able to KO 9 cost or more, but can definitely help to reduce your opponent's attacking options. The trigger effect is add 1 DON as active. Just like Beam Sword, we don't want to ramp, especially if Birdcage is on the field, as getting 10 DONs early could cost us, since I have built this deck around Birdcage.

Deck List

OP07 Doffy


Just like any Doffy builds, I've centre the deck around Birdcage. We don't want to play Birdcage too early, but we also don't want to play Birdcage too late. We want to play Birdcage at the right time especially if your opponents have done a few attacks with their Characters, so those Characters are resting. I am also running plenty of Events in this build, as this is more defensive controls. The only major beat sticks are Hody and 10 drop Doffy in the build. Diamante is also a beat stick, but also for blocking as well.

I am thinking to maybe bump Ragnarok to 2 as the effect is very useful when we want to KO high cost Characters who can get around Birdcage restriction. Maybe dropping 1 Beam Sword, no idea if that will be a good idea, since Beam Sword can rest any Characters we want. We don't want to drop anymore Characters as the numbers are already low, and Off White effect won't be too effective.

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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.