Saturday, July 20, 2024

OP07 Blue (Nami) Deck Profile

Some very interesting upgrades for Nami build. In fact, we've got variety of builds for Nami thanks to OP07 set, so I've decided to go for 2 different deck builds. Well when I say 2 different deck builds, they will mostly use the same cards because of the same type, just different approach when it comes to searchers. There is a safe build and a going all out build, even though both builds are mill decks. It will depends which style you prefer.

The Mill

Unfortunately, the mill cards have been reduced into these 2 cards left compare to the other Nami builds. I think if we get one more Event that can mill, then this deck will be very good. Anyway Rubber Band of Doom is an Event Counter, the counter effect is 1 of your Leader/Characters gains 2k power this battle. Then, you may trash the top card of you deck. The trigger effect is draw 1 card and you may trash the top card of your deck. Both effects will be very handy when we want to mill ourselves to win.

Giant Gravel is another very handy mill card we want to use. The counter effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader gains 4k power this battle. Then, you may trash 2 cards from top of your deck. The trigger effect is kinda disappointing compare to Rubber Band, the effect is return one 4 cost or less Character to the owner's hand. I am not sure about this effect as the counter effect will always be useful when we want to mill our way through.

The Draws

Having draw power is another way to make us deck out, and draw power is better than mill as they increase our hand size so we could use more counters. I doubt Bandai would print any more, and if they do, it will be tailored to specific type of decks, so Nami won't be able to benefit those. OP03 Kaya works on play, draw 2 cards and trash 2 cards. Kaya won't let you gain a hand size, but the drawing 2 for 1 cost will be very handy especially when you are close to decking out.

I'm only using Impel Down All Stars for the trigger effect, so even if it does end up into our hand, we could use cards like Kaya or Giant Gravel to trash it. The main effect is useless as we are not running any Impel Down Leader. The trigger effect is draw 2 cards. Yes you will need to be lucky with your Life, but if you can pull this off, then we can get a decent hand size as well as being closer to decking out.

Sanji's Pilaf is just pot of greed, but cost 3 instead of being for free. However, it is definitely worth paying that 3 cost for the draw as we will get an increase hand size as well being closer to decking out. The main effect is draw 2 cards, and the trigger effect is just activate this card's main effect. A win win situation for this card, but of course, it is definitely better to see Sanji's Pilaf in the Life area so we could get the free draw to increase our hand size.

White Snake is a 2 drop Event Counter, the counter effect is 1 of your Leader or Characters gains 1k power until end of turn, and draw 1 card. The 1k bonus until end of turn will be very handy especially when your opponents have 5k beat stick on the field. They will need to use up a DON to hit some magic numbers against your Leader. The trigger effect is okay, look at the top 5 cards of your deck and place them on top or bottom of your deck in any order. I do prefer using the counter effect as every little draw will help in decking out and triggering Nami's win condition sooner.

Lastly, we have Love Love Mellow another 2 drop Event Counter, however, this card works best if your have low hand size. The counter effect is 1 of your Leader or Characters gains 4k power this battle. Then, if you have 3 or less cards in your hand, draw 1 card. We have some cards who trash our hand, so getting 3 or less shouldn't be too difficult.

Amazon Lily/Kuja Pirates Supports

Amazon Lily and Kuja Pirates still works the same as they all support each other and one of the Nami builds will make use of this support. Gloriosa or I call her Nyon ba from the anime, is a searcher for both Amazon Lily and Kuja Pirates build. The effect works on play, look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Amazon Lily or Kuja Pirates card other than Gloriosa (Grandma Nyon) and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order.

Maguerite is a Blocker, but with an on play effect which is draw 1 card. On top of that she is an Amazon Lily Character so Nyon will be able to search her out from the deck, and having that draw power means we could deck out easier. As well as completely stopping your opponent's attacks rather than using multiple counters to stop a high power Character.

Snake Dance is an Event Counter, but being Kuja Pirates type means we can easily search it out from deck. The counter effect is 1 of your Leader/Character gains 4k power the battle. Then, return 1 of your Characters to your hand. We do want to return Characters, so we could play cards like Kaya again to draw 2 and trash 2 to thin out the deck. The trigger effect is return 1 of your Characters to the owner's hand to return 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters to the owner's hand. Again, this trigger effect will be help as we want to return our own Characters so we could use their on play effects again.

Seven Warlords Supports

The other build will be using Seven Warlords engine, however both builds are using 2 of the Events in the builds, we are only making changes with the Characters line up. OP01 Crocodile is a 7 drop, for a mill deck, running 7 drop cost a lot especially when we want to use multiple counters at once when your opponent's attacks. But there is 1 key thing about OP01 Crocs and that is his effect. We have Banish keyword, so we could trash your opponent's Life not giving them the trigger effects. The main effect will need you to attach a DON to work. Reduce the blue Events in your hand by 1. Most of the Event Counters are 1 drop, and having Crocs on the field means we can play those for free and 2 drops Counters for 1 which is really handy and you won't need to worry about running out of DONs.

OP07 Sengoku is a Warlord searcher, on play, look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Seven Warlords card and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. We do have a few Events that are Seven Warlords type, and not just Crocs in the build, so we mainly want to add those Events into our hand and deck thin the deck.

Overheat is a 2 drop Event Counter, the counter effect is 1 of your Leader or Characters gains 4k power this battle. Then, return 1 active 3 cost or less Character the the owner's hand. This effect mainly targets out Characters since most of them will be 1 drop Character, so we could use their on play effects to look for cards. The trigger effect is return one 4 cost or less Character to the owner's hand. Too bad it is not to the bottom of the deck, but we could reduce 1 of your opponent's attacks with this effect. If not, we can always return our own Characters to use their on play effects again.

Desert Spada is mainly for the trigger effect, but the main effect is okay. The counter effect is 1 of your Leader/Character gains 2k power this battle. Then, look at the top 3 cards of your deck and place them on top or bottom of the deck in any order. I guess this can help to search for any cards you will need so you can make yourself deck out quicker. The trigger effect is draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand. Obviously we want to use this effect as it is a draw power card, so not only it increases your hand size, but we can thin the deck out.

Perfume Femur is used in both decks, however, this card works better in Seven Warlords whereas in the other build, it will be like Impel Down All Stars where we aim for the trigger effect. The main effect is select 1 of your Seven Warlords Leader or Characters and that card gains 2k power this turn. Then, if the selected card attacks during this turn, your opponents cannot activate Blockers. This works very well with OP01 Crocs as we could swing with 10k power with Banish, forcing plenty of counters from their hand. The trigger effect is draw 1 card. The draw is very important, and I would rather trigger this over the main effect.


Some optional techs for the builds, only 1 of the builds will run both of these cards, whilst the other build only run 1 of them. OP02 Mr 1 works on play, add one 1 cost blue Event from your trash to your hand. Thanks to this effect, we could reuse cards like Rubber Band or Giant Gravel so we can mill our deck a lot quicker along with the draw power. Of course, drawing him early won't be helpful, but mid to late games where you've built up a decent trash, he becomes very effective.

Apis is a searcher, the effect works on play, you may trash 2 cards from your hand to look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 East Blue card and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. I guess on the bright side Apis can search herself, but we do lose 2 cards from our hand. Although most of the important cards are East Blue cards, so Apis will be able to search those cards out as soon as possible.

Deck List

Amazon Lily Mill

7 Warlords Mill

Amazon Lily Mill

7 Warlords Mill

x1 OP03-040 Nami

Characters x16

Events x34


Two different builds, but with the same goal and that is milling your deck out to win with Nami. We don't want to attack your opponent's Leaders unless we have to, no point giving the cards advantages to your opponents. It is fine to attack their Characters with Nami Leader, so we can reduce the number of attacks they can do and not burn all our counters early.

Amazon Lily Mill is where we use our 1 drop Characters, recycle them with cards like Snake Dance, so we can deck out easier. Whilst the Warlords build is all about getting Crocodile to the field, so the Events will cost 1 less, and if you can get at least 2, you will be pretty much playing your cards for free, so we won't care much about managing DONs like Amazon Lily Mill.


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