Friday, July 26, 2024

OP07 Red/Green (Oden) Deck Profile

Not a major upgrade, mostly just a 1 card update with some tweaks to the build compare to the EB01 version. I must say, having OP07 Otama really helps as she increases the chances of searching more cards we need. Oden is also a Leader that can focus on attack and defending thanks to the power bonus lasting until the opponent's turn, so we can make use of the counters.

The 5 Drops

We need 5 drops Wano on the field in order to trigger Oden's effect. EB01 Izo have 2 effects, the first effect works on play, give 1 of your rested DON to your Leader or 1 of your Characters. So we could give this to trigger Oden's effect instead of needing an untap DON. The second effect works on your opponent's attack, once per turn, you may trash 1 card from your hand, if your Leader is Wano type or Whitebeard Pirates type, reduce 1 of your opponent's Leader or Characters by 2k this turn. This effect allows you to stop your opponent's attacks, or at least make your opponents uses more DONs.

EB01 Yamato have 1 simple effect and it is an activate main effect. Once per turn, give 1 of your rested DONs to 1 of your Leader or 1 of your Characters. The exact same effect as EB01 Izo's on play effect, but we can use this effect more consistently as long as Yamato is on the field, so we don't need to use any untap DONs to give them to our Leader.

The final 5 cost Character is OP01 Denjiro. You will need to attach a DON for Denjiro effect to work. When attacking, if your Leader is Oden, untap 2 of your DONs. This will allow us to play more cards, especially some of the low cost cards we have in the build, as well as having an 8k beat stick to swing at your opponents if we include the DON power bonus.


We have 2 cards in this build that can draw cards to increase our hand size. EB01 Hiyori has an activate main effect where you may trash this Character. Play one 5 cost or less Wano Character other than Hiyori from your hand. Then, draw 1 card. Hiyori is the main card of the deck as she will enable us to play 5 cost Characters for free. You can target lower cost Characters, but it will not be worth it other than 5 cost.

I am also running You Can Be My Samurai, this idea was taken from Yamato build as we are running plenty of 0 power Characters. The effect is you may rest 2 of your Characters to draw 2 cards. We can use this to target Hiyori, then use Hiyori's effect to play a 5 cost Character, allowing us to only have 1 rested Character on the field.


For the defences, I am just running some Blockers and an Event Counter to stop your opponent's attacks. OP02 Cat Viper doesn't have a Counter, but this doesn't matter as Oden will give Cat Viper a Counter. OP05 Corazon is a Blocker with an effect that works on your opponent's turn. If your rested Characters would be KO'd, you may trash this Character instead. Obviously, we would use this effect against your opponent's KO effects over an attack since we can just use Corazon's Blocker ability.

Radical Beam is a nice 1 drop Event Counter we can use, the counter effect is up to 1 of your Leader or Characters gains 2k power this battle. If you have 2 or less Life, gains an additional 2k power, allowing us to gain 4k power in a battle. Of course, we want to use this fully when we have 2 or less Life. The trigger effect is 1 of your Leader or Character gains 1k power this turn. 1k power is very strong, especially when we combining this with Oden's effect, making Oden a 7k base Leader for your opponents to go against.

Wano Supports

The rest of the Wano cards for this deck, all of them has a very simple effect, so I can't really expand on them. OP01 Otama works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters power by 2k this turn. This will allow us to make our attacks more easier to hit that Character. OP01 Izo also has an on play effect where we rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. Both cards have 2k counters, so will be very handy to use during the counter steps.

OP01 Momo is a searcher and the effect is an activate main effect. By paying 1 DON and resting this Character. Look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Wano card and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The best thing about Momo is that we can look for any Wano cards we want, doesn't care about the colours or even the name.

On the other hand OP07 Otama is a bit more restricted. The effect works on play, look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 green Wano card other than Otama and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. There is one major problem I do find with this card sometimes, and that is the 5 drop Wano cards. 2 of those Characters are red base, whereas there is only 1 green 5 drop Wano, so if you need 5 cost Characters, then we might struggle a little with the search effect.

Non Wano Supports

Radical Beam is not the only non Wano card I am running in the build. I am also running these 3 high cost cards, since we don't want the deck just to focus on 5 drops only. Whitebeard have 2 effects, the first effect works on play, 1 of your Leader gains 2k power until the start of your next turn. I don't care about the rest of the on play effect as I am after the power bonus. Thanks to this, we can make Oden an 8k base Leader if we combine Oden and Whitebeard effect together just like the OP series. The second effect works when attacking, however, you will need to attach 2 DONs for this effect to work. KO 1 of your opponent's 3k or less Characters. The only power reducer we've got in the build is OP01 Otama that can work with this effect, other than that, we don't have much choices.

Hody on the other hand is a nice card to have in this build. He has Rush ability as well as an on play effect. The on play effect is rest up to a total of 2 of your opponent's Characters or DONs. Then, add the top card of your Life to your hand. We do lose a Life, but being able to rest your opponent's Characters/DONs will be worth it. Not to mention, if you have 3 Life, and move down to 2, we could then use Radical Beam's full effect.

Lastly we have our main beat stick OP06 Zoro. Wano doesn't really have a decent beat stick we could use as most of them are just support cards for the Leader. Zoro have 2 effects, the first effect works when attacking, by paying 1 DON, untap this Character. The second effect is an activate main effect, by paying 2 DONs, untap this Character. So in total, we could attack 3 times with Zoro, and obviously, Blockers can easily stop this attack which is why we need cards like Hody or OP01 Izo to rest your opponent's Blockers, making your opponents to use more counters from their hand.

Deck List

OP07 Oden


The key thing about this build is that we must have a 5 cost Wano on the field in order to power up Oden's effect. To do this, we may not attack with 1 of our 5 cost Character so your opponents couldn't target that Character as an attack target. I think EB01 Yamato is more important to stay on the field than the other 5 costs as she can constantly attach rested DONs to your Leader.

Once we give enough power to Oden to create enough defences and have enough DONs, we then play the big sticks like Whitebeard, giving more power to Oden, making him an 8k base Leader for your opponents to attack with. Hody can rest your opponent's Characters with the Rush ability whilst Zoro is the finisher as we don't really have a card that could put a threat against your opponents.

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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.