Black will be a very difficult deck to update since there's plenty of CP supports, but just like Purple decks, we can still have 1 card we can use for these builds. There won't be too much of a difference compare to EB01 build as we want to focus on getting your opponent's Characters cost to 0.
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
COTD - OP09-063 Usopp
Purple Character
4 Cost / 6000 Power (Range)
Straw Hat Crew
[Counter +1000]
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
COTD - OP09-054 Richie
Blue Character
2 Cost / 2000 Power (Strike)
Animal / Cross Guild
[Counter +1000]
Just a simple Blocker, but I think we can play him using Mohji's effect, however, I'm not sure if we have another Richie that is a vanilla that we could use as a beat stick. The 2 drop Blocker can be handy, but having a Richie beat stick on the field would be even better. |
Monday, July 29, 2024
COTD - OP09-092 Marshall.D.Teach
Black Character
3 Cost / 4000 Power (Slash)
Whitebeard Pirates
[Counter +1000]
[Activate: Main] You may rest this Character: If your hand is at least 3 less than your opponent’s hand, draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand.
I am hoping that I've got this translation right that it is 3 less than your opponent's hand instead of 3 more than your opponent's hand. Usually with this kind of the game, they usually focus on fewer than more, so I'm going with my instinct with less. Anyway, we have Blackbeard, but this is when he was still in the Whitebeard crew. This is just draw and trash, but being an activate main effect means we could use this in Blackbeard decks, although I think we could use this in a few black builds, who knows. I guess it really depends if that deck gains a massive hand size or not. |
Sunday, July 28, 2024
OP07 Blue/Purple (Reiju) Deck Profile
Compare to most OP07 builds aside from new decks, Reiju do have a decent amount of new cards, and because of that, the room is a lot tighter compare to OP06 version where we got plenty of rooms to improve. However, the deck will still mainly be the same where we focus on the Germa 66 and their transformations so we don't have to use a lot of DONs to play high cost Characters.
COTD - OP09 Rayleigh, Franky, Koala & Adio
Silvers Rayleigh
Red Character
5 Cost / 6000 Power (Slash)
Roger Pirates
[Counter +1000]
[On Play] If your opponent has 2 or more Characters with original power of 5000 or more, draw 2 cards and and trash 1 card from your hand.
Saturday, July 27, 2024
OP07 Yellow (Katakuri) Deck Profile
Just like most of the old decks, we've only got 1 new card that can suit Katakuri style. I personally like Katakuri deck more than Enel, but this is my opinion as Katakuri suits me better. The deck is mainly the same where we focus on Charlotte family as the base of the build, whilst spamming Katakuri Leader's effect so we could swing for 7k power or more against your opponent's cards.
COTD - OP09-029 Tony Tony.Chopper
Tony Tony.Chopper
Green Character
3 Cost / 4000 Power (Strike)
ODYSSEY / Animal / Straw Hat Crew
[Counter +1000]
[End of Your Turn] Set up to 1 of your {ODYSSEY} type Characters with a cost of 4 or less as active.
This is not bad, he is not restricted to himself, which means we would untap Chopper first, then other cards, since we are mainly playing our cards rested, so we need someone who can untap those Characters. The only downside is that he only targets 4 or less Characters, so we might have our high cost Characters rested. |
Friday, July 26, 2024
OP07 Red/Green (Oden) Deck Profile
Not a major upgrade, mostly just a 1 card update with some tweaks to the build compare to the EB01 version. I must say, having OP07 Otama really helps as she increases the chances of searching more cards we need. Oden is also a Leader that can focus on attack and defending thanks to the power bonus lasting until the opponent's turn, so we can make use of the counters.
COTD - OP09-008 Building Snake
Building Snake
Red Character
1 Cost / 2000 Power (Slash)
Red-Haired Pirates
[Activate: Main] You may place this Character at the bottom of the owner’s deck: Give up to 1 of your opponent’s Characters -3000 power during this turn.
Another card with the exact same effect as Raise Max and Promo Gordon. This is good for people who couldn't get their hand on promo Gordon because of the expensive price. Now it is possible to build a cheap RP Law build without the need of promo Gordon in the build as we can use Building Snake as replacement for promo. |
Thursday, July 25, 2024
COTD - OP09-101 Kuzan & PRB01 Parallel DONs
Yellow Character
4 Cost / 5000 Power (Special)
[Counter +1000]
[On Play] You may place 1 of your opponent’s Characters with a cost of 3 or less to the top or bottom of owner's Life face up: Your opponent trashes 1 card from their hand.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
OP07 Purple (Iceburg) Deck Profile
COTD - OP09-090 Doc Q & PRB01 Parallel DONs
Doc Q
Black Character
2 Cost / 0 Power (Special)
Blackbeard Pirates
[Counter +1000]
[Activate: Main] You may rest this Character: If your Leader has the {Blackbeard Pirates} type, KO up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with a cost 1 of less.
[On K.O.] Draw 1 card
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
COTD - OP09-069 Trafalgar Law & PRB01 Parallel DONs
Trafalgar Law
Purple Character
1 Cost / 2000 Power (Slash)
Heart Pirates
[Counter +1000]
[On Play] Look at 4 cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to 1 {Straw Hat Crew} or {Heart Pirates} type card with a cost of 2 or more and put it into your hand. Then, place the rest of the cards at the bottom of your deck in any order.
Monday, July 22, 2024
COTD - OP09-045 Cabaji & PRB01 Parallel DONs
Blue Character
5 Cost / 5000 Power (slash)
Cross Guild
[Counter +2000]
If you have a Character [Buggy] or [Mohji] in play, this Character cannot be KO’d in battle.
Sunday, July 21, 2024
OP07 Green/Purple (Doflamingo) Deck Profile
COTD - OP09-032 Donquixote Rosinante & PRB01 Parallel DONs
Donquixote Rosinante
Green Character (OP09-032) UC
3 Cost / 4000 Power (Special)
ODYSSEY / Navy / Donquixote Pirates
[Counter +1000]
[On Your Opponent's Attack] [Once Per Turn] Set this character as active.
Saturday, July 20, 2024
OP07 Blue (Nami) Deck Profile
Some very interesting upgrades for Nami build. In fact, we've got variety of builds for Nami thanks to OP07 set, so I've decided to go for 2 different deck builds. Well when I say 2 different deck builds, they will mostly use the same cards because of the same type, just different approach when it comes to searchers. There is a safe build and a going all out build, even though both builds are mill decks. It will depends which style you prefer.
COTD - OP09-020 Come!! We Will Be Your Opponent!! & PRB01 Parallel DONs
Come!! We Will Be Your Opponent!!
1 Cost / Red Event
The Four Emperors / Red-Haired Pirates
[Main] Look at 5 cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to 1 {Red-Haired Pirates} type card other than [Come!! We Will Be Your Opponent!!] and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in the order.
[Trigger] Draw 1 card
Friday, July 19, 2024
OP07 Black (Lucci (OP03)) Deck Profile
Looks like we have our first deck where I need to put the set number next to the Leader since we've got 2 the same Leader from the same colours. I don't expect much people looking for this build, since they would definitely prefer OP07 Lucci, but OP03 Lucci is definitely not bad at all when it comes to being aggressive. But of course, we wouldn't spam Lucci's effect unlike the OP07 version, otherwise we would struggle to use counters.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
[One Piece Card Information Bureau] PRB01 Unboxing Video
Nothing too much I can say about this video because we have a bunch of reprinted cards. But it's very nice to have more variety of DONs we could use so each decks can all use different DONs. I think they also upgraded the foiling for the rare cards as I see sparkles coming off from them. Well looks like the cards doesn't get new arts to tell the difference between reprint and OG, but I'll still take it as this will bring the price down of some current cards in the marker. Personally, I'm just looking forward in getting those DONs as they shouldn't be expensive, since they are not parallel and look like you get 1 DON from each pack.
COTD - OP09-076 Roronoa Zoro
Roronoa Zoro
Purple Character
3 Cost / 5000 Power (Slash)
Straw Hat Crew
[On Play] You may return 1 or more DON!! cards on your field to your DON!! deck: add up to 1 DON!! card from your DON!! deck and set it as active.
If you have OP05 Kid on the field, him and Zoro can make some awesome combinations to get some DONs back to active. I can see some use with this card, after all you are gaining a DON. Plus some OP08 cards will benefit from returning DONs back to your deck. |
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
OP07 Yellow (Enel) Deck Profile
COTD - OP09-053 Mohji
Blue Character
5 Cost / 5000 Power (Wisdom)
Cross Guild
[Counter +2000]
[On Play] Look at 5 cards from top of your deck, reveal up to 1 {Richie} and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest of the cards on the bottom of your deck in any order and play up to 1 {Richie} from your hand.
This is not bad, I know he's a 5 drop, but Buggy will let us play Mohji for free thanks to Cross Guild type. Not only that, he has the exact same effect as Ohm, so just like Ohm, we better have Richie in our hand if we want to play the Character instead of just searching. I guess the only difference is that Ohm is a better beat stick for a 4 drop than Mohji, but Mohji have 2k counter we could use. |
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
COTD - OP09-013 Yasopp
Red Character
5 Cost / 6000 Power (Ranged)
Red-Hair Pirates
[Counter +1000]
[On Play] Up to 1 of your Leader gains +1000 power until the end of your opponent’s next turn.
[DON!!x1] [When attacking] Give up to 1 of your opponent's Characters -1000 power during this turn.
I really like Yasopp's effect because not only you can power up the Leader, but you can also reduce your opponent's Characters so they could be more easy to hit. I am very tempted to use Yasopp in Whitebeard build so we could have a 7k Leader, making it even harder for your opponents to hit. I can't wait to try this. |
Monday, July 15, 2024
Sunday, July 14, 2024
OP07 Red/Purple (Law) Deck Profile
What's fun for Law players is that he still have useful support in OP08, in fact OP08 set, we can easily replace some of the cards in the current build to make it better. Currently, just like any other purple decks, we've only got 1 upgrade, but that 1 new card makes a difference especially when we combined with Law's effect easily getting low DONs than your opponents.
COTD - OP09 Leaders Alt Arts and OP09-004 Shanks Alt Arts
Red Leader
5 Life / 5000 Power (Slash)
The Four Emperors / Red-Haired Pirates
[Once Per Turn] You may activate this effect when your opponent attacks. Give up to 1 of your opponent's Leader or Characters cards -1000 power during this turn.
Saturday, July 13, 2024
OP07 Purple (Luffy) Deck Profile
Purple decks got one card update, but that card only works for very specific decks, and not all purple decks will be running that card. Luffy is quite fun, especially with the way we return DONs and ramp up the DONs, they will make perfect use of the deck. The deck have a lot of ways to stall as we don't really want to take Life cards for Luffy if we are desperate for the effect.
COTD - PRB-01 Kouzuki Hiyori (OP06-106)
Kouzuki Hiyori
Yellow Character
2 Cost / 0 Power (Wisdom)
Land of Wano/Kouzuki Clan
[Counter +2000]
[On Play] You may add 1 card from the top or bottom of your Life cards to your hand: Add up to 1 card from your hand to the top of your Life cards.
I quite like this art, but if you want my honest opinion, OP06 Alt Art is better, but I know that version is more expensive, and this version should be cheaper because it is a reprinted card with alt art. Who knows, we haven't determined how the pricing will be for these reprints. |
Friday, July 12, 2024
OP07 Green/Yellow (Yamato) Deck Profile
Yamato got a nice upgrade with 1 card and that is Otama, of course, this will means we will be changing the deck to use cards from both EB01 and OP07 set. We have a lot of ways to build this deck whether you want control or being aggressive, so I don't know what would be the ideal build. I try to do a bit of offense and defence, so we can be very aggressive on the attack whilst having cards to protect ourselves from your opponent's attacks.
COTD - PRB-01 Kouzuki Momonosuke (OP01-041)
Kouzuki Momonosuke
Green Character
1 Cost / 0 Power (Slash)
Land of Wano/Kouzuki Clan
[Counter +1000]
[Activate: Main] ➀ You may rest this Character: Look at 5 cards from the top of your deck; reveal up to 1 {Land of Wano} type card and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order.
Thursday, July 11, 2024
COTD - PRB-01 Kaido (OP05-118)
Blue Character
10 Cost / 12000 Power (Special)
The Four Emperors/Animal Kingdom Pirates
[On Play] Draw 4 cards if your opponent has 3 or less Life cards.
Personally I prefer the OG version since that Kaido performs Blast Breath whilst this alt art is ready to perform. Both of them are still in dragon form so no difference there. I just wish they can make this one better as an alt art. The OG is pretty good when it comes to the standard art. |
One Piece Card Game French Language
This will be interesting how they would implement this rules into the tournaments. Obviously we are not allowed to use JP cards since they have a early release schedule compare to EN, but what about Fr language? I know for Fr players, they will also be asking the questions about using EN cards. But we will find out later since this will debut next year which is still 6 months away.
I am more interested if I could use Fr cards since European languages are usually cheaper than English cards, but I know I will need to bring out translations in the tournament if people don't know what that card does. Its the same thing with other card games. But I do like where this One Piece game is heading. DBSCG already have different languages (not sure about Fusion World), although I didn't look up the language rules for that game.
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
OP07 Blue (Doflamingo) Deck Profile
Well, it's not surprising that Doffy got a nice upgrade since we got Seven Warlords cards, although if it's me, I definitely prefer Hancock build because you need to use at least 3 DONs for Doffy Leader's effect which only gives you rarely enough room to play other cards on the field. But if we want to play other cards, we can ignore Doffy Leader's effect.
COTD - PRB-01 Vinsmoke Niji (OP06-065)
Vinsmoke Niji
Purple Character
5 Cost / 6000 Power (Special)
The Vinsmoke Family/GERMA 66
[Counter +1000]
[On Play] If the number of DON!! cards on your field is equal to or less than the number on your opponent's field, choose one:
• K.O. up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with a cost of 2 or less.
• Return up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with a cost of 4 or less to the owner's hand.
This make sense since they made a 3 drop Niji, no point reprinting that card without his transformation, in fact it will be very strange. But unlike the 3 drop version who is just a full art of the OG card, we've got a nice art. I definitely prefer this art compare to the OG, but I don't really play Reiju deck. I was planning too, but Hancock got revealed, so I ended wanted to play Hancock deck instead. |
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
COTD - PRB-01 Satori (OP05-105)
Yellow Character
5 Cost / 5000 Power (Strike)
Sky Island/Vassals
[Counter +2000]
[Trigger] You may trash 1 card from your hand: Play this card.
Well at least Satori is more useful compare to some cards revealed in the reprint set. There are still decks who will be using Satori because not only he has 2k Counter, but also have a trigger effect that lets you play Satori to the field at a cost. Although for art wise, it felt the same, just different pose, it's really not a wow factor here. |
Monday, July 8, 2024
COTD - PRB-01 Sabo (OP05-007)
Red Character
6 Cost / 7000 Power (Special)
Revolutionary Army
[On Play] K.O. up to 2 of your opponent's Characters with a total power of 4000 or less.
I don't know, but this artwork reminds me of something and I can't remember what it is. Well, Sabo got reprinted, and this card is not expensive at all even for the OG version. Currently, I don't know what decks we could use this Sabo in. I rather have Karasu getting reprinted over Sabo since we can use Karasu in a lot of Revolutionary Army builds. |
Sunday, July 7, 2024
OP07 Black/Yellow (Luffy) Deck Profile
COTD - PRB-01 Raizo, Ivankov, Duval, Niji, Cindry, Inuarashi, More Parallel DONs, OP09 Shanks and Buggy Leader
Green Character
3 Cost / 4000 Power (Slash)
Land of Wano/The Akazaya Nine
[Counter +2000]
[When Attacking] [Once Per Turn] If you have 2 or more rested Characters, draw 1 card.
Saturday, July 6, 2024
OP07 Yellow (Vegapunk) Deck Profile
This is more like a YOLO deck, however, because this game have summon sickness we won't be getting wipe out very easily. But this deck does have several weakness and OP08 set will make this build better with the additional supports that could slow your opponents down. Overall, you can easily build this deck just with the booster set alone as most of the cards will be in OP07 set.
COTD - PRB-01 One-Legged Toy Soldier (OP05-081)
One-Legged Toy Soldier
Black Character
2 Cost / 0 Power (Strike)
[Counter +2000]
[Activate: Main] You may trash this Character: Give up to 1 of your opponent's Characters −3 cost during this turn.So basically, this have similar art to the OG version but they only added Kid Rebecca in the background. I don't know what to say about this, but it definitely reminds you of the anime scene where they were together. |
Friday, July 5, 2024
OP07 Purple (Foxy) Deck Profile
Personally, I think the support for Foxy Pirates is incomplete, but if there are more support for Foxy, then it has potential to be a meta contender. There's plenty of control cards similar to Green style preventing your opponents from attacking, and since purple also have KO Characters, it would feel like a better control deck than green overall. But that is only if Foxy Pirates get more support, not bad for a fodder Character at all.
COTD - PRB-01 Capone"Gang"Bege (ST02-004)
Green Character
1 Cost / 1000 Power (Special)
Supernovas/Firetank Pirates
Finally another ST card got revealed, just a plain Blocker ability with a plain art, maybe people like this, but I feel like this art is just basic, I know they can do better than that. |
Thursday, July 4, 2024
COTD - PRB-01 Koala (OP05-006)
Red Character
2 Cost / 3000 Power (Strike)
Revolutionary Army
[Counter +2000]
[On Play] If your Leader has the {Revolutionary Army} type, give up to 1 of your opponent's Characters −3000 power during this turn.
I guess she is more relevant as we've got Dragon Leader, and Koala will be great in that build, but other than that, I like the artwork and that's it. Well she does work with other Revolutionary Leaders like Sabo and Betty, so we don't have to focus on Dragon, but when it comes to Revolutionary Army support, we haven't got a lot in OP07 set. |
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
OP07 Red (Dragon) Deck Profile
Dragon is a very interesting Leader, but it is a shame that some Revolutionary Army cards will be useless for this build, in fact, we don't really care about Revolutionary Army with Dragon Leader. All we care is about how to make use of the DONs, especially when Dragon can swap those DONs onto a different Character, so that Character will also have additional power boost.
COTD - PRB01-01 Sanji Alt Art
Red Leader
5 Life / 5000 Power (Strike)
Straw Hat Crew
[Activate: Main] [Once Per Turn] Up to 1 of your Characters with a cost of 8 or less without an [On Play] effect gains <Rush> until the end of this turn.
Looks like they went back to their old style with the old Alt Art Leaders. EB01 and OP07 doesn't have this alt art for their leaders, personally I prefer those art over the old alt art, but this is just my personal opinion. |
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
COTD - PRB-01 Vinsmoke Yonji (OP06-067)
Vinsmoke Yonji
Purple Character
4 Cost / 5000 Power (Strike)
The Vinsmoke Family/GERMA 66
If the number of DON!! cards on your field is equal to or less than the number on your opponent's field, this Character gains +1000 power.
I feel like this reprint set is hit and miss because some reprints are random like Yonji for instance. Nice art, but unfortunately, there's like only 1 deck that can make use of Yonji and he is optional to have in that build, or we just lower the numbers as Yonji doesn't need to be a 4 of in the deck. You could run this in builds that returns a lot of DONs, but there are better Blockers out there for those builds unless we are aiming for budget builds. |
Monday, July 1, 2024
OP07 Green (Bonney) Deck Profile
COTD - PRB-01 Ryuma (OP06-036)
Green Character
4 Cost / 6000 Power (Slash)
Land of Wano/Thriller Bark Pirates
[On Play]/[On K.O.] K.O. up to 1 of your opponent's rested Characters with a cost of 4 or less.
We have Ryuma revealed, and this reminds me of the promo Ryuma, the art style looks very similar. I thought OP06 was new, then realised, we've got EB01 set, although in some places, EB01 came very late. Other than that, I can't really talk much about these reprinted cards. |
About Me

- Raikishi
- A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.
I guess Uta is back again with another FILM upgrades from EB01 set and the two cards make the deck changed a lot compare to the previous bui...
Personally, I've wanted Kuma as the Leader over Bonney after reading his past in the manga, but Bonney will do. Anyway, a very control d...
The way I've built Ace will be the same way that I did with Black/Yellow Luffy. Mostly Yellow cards with a splash of blue, as the blue s...
Now, we've got 2 black Lucci, so I will need to add their set version so people won't get confused in which one I'll be talking ...
I didn't post an EB01 version of this build because it was 1 card changed, so I've waited until OP07 to post this build. I've ch...