Looking at the list of Purple card pool in OP06, I do have some ideas to make use of them unlike Black where Moria is the only choices to choose from for other Black builds. The first one I am updating is ST04 Kaido, I think for this build Kaido Leader is suited especially when we need low DONs number to trigger some effects. However, OP01 King can also work with this build since both are Animal Kingdom Pirates, and all you need is just to swap the Leader around.
Sunday, March 31, 2024
COTD - ST14-008 Haredas
Black Character
1 Cost / 0 Power (Wisdom)
Sky Island
[Counter +2000]
[Activate Main] You may rest this card: Give up to one of your black characters with the type {Straw Hat Crew} +2 cost until the end of your opponents next turn. After this, if you control a Cost 8 or higher character, draw one card and trash one card from your hand.
So they didn't called this Weatheria as the type, but instead Sky Island. Unfortunately, Haredas only works with black Straw Hats build, so any plans on building a black/yellow Sky Island build is out of the window. The effect is just a hand filter, so you draw and discard. I don't know if it's worth it, but that +2 cost will come in handy in the starter deck. I don't know what's their main beat stick will be in the starter deck. |
Saturday, March 30, 2024
OP06 Green (Uta) Deck Profile
For this build, I've decided to post 2 deck builds for Uta. Both build will still use the FILM engine, but the style will be a bit different, it really depends what you prefer really, as I'm just giving some ideas in what you can do with Green Uta build. I wouldn't say there's a huge change between the 2 builds as the FILM engine as well as some of the extra supports for the deck. Replacing them will be difficult so this is why I've kept the 2 builds very similar as we want the hand size as well as spamming the field with ease.
COTD - OP08-080 Queen
Black Character
1 Cost / 2000 Power (Strike)
Animal Kingdom Pirates
[Counter +1000]
[On Play] Look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 <Animal Kingdom Pirates> type card other than Queen and add it to your hand. Then, place the remaining to the bottom of the deck in any order.
Am I the only one who is annoyed that the searchers for Animal Kingdom Pirates have been non purple so far? On the bright side if we do get a Blue/Black Animal Kingdom Pirates Leader, we will be able to use both of these searchers, but I doubt that would have since their main colour is Purple where ramping will need to be involve. Anyway Queen is just a simple searcher, and since the new colour is Black, will we able to combine Cost Reducers? Although one of the recent leak is more about increasing your Character's costs rather than reducing. |
Friday, March 29, 2024
OP06 Blue (Nami) Deck Profile
Nami Mill is back thanks to 1 card in OP06 set. But the overall build won't have really changed much since we need as much cards as possible to thin our deck in order to win. So the base deck will be really the same as what we have got so far. I do hope we get more Event or low cost Characters that draw in future so we can have Nami Mill can compete against the meta, but I think by the time they do that, Nami would be on the watchlist for the ban list.
COTD - ST14-017 Thousand Sunny & P-069 Koala
Thousand Sunny
1 Cost Black Stage
Straw Hat Crew
Your black Characters with the {Straw Hat Crew} type have +1 cost.
[On play] If your leader has the {Straw Hat Crew} type, draw 1 card.
Thursday, March 28, 2024
COTD - OP08-052 Portgas D Ace
Portgas D Ace
Blue Character
5 Cost / 6000 Power (Special)
Whitebeard Pirates
[Counter +1000]
[On Play] Reveal the top 1 card of your deck, you may put into play up to 1 character with the type [Whitebeard Pirates] and a cost of 4 or less. After this, return the remaining cards to the top or bottom of the deck.
On the bright side is 5 drop Ace, but the downside is that the effect only works with Whitebeard Pirates. But you can change the build for Blue Yellow Ace to add lots of new Whitebeard cards, depending on what kind of Whitebeard cards we will be getting. Anyway Ace works really well with the new Marco Leader, Marco will be checking/putting cards on top of your deck, so you will know what kind of cards you will be getting and if its worth using these cards to play that card for free. No need for random luck to hope you get the right card. |
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
OP06 Black (Smoker) Deck Profile
I wouldn't say the build have changed too much from last time as we've only added 1 additional card to the deck. I think you would have guess which card is it seeing how in OP06 set is mainly just Thriller Bark Pirates, so our card choices are low to improve some of the old decks. Also with Great Eruption being banned in June, I might as well post this as an early ban list changes. But what I'm really waiting for is the EB01 set for these Black decks to get a major upgrade.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
COTD - OP08-057 King
Purple Black Leader
4 Life / 5000 Power (sapecial)
Animal Kingdom Pirates
[Activate:Main] [Once per Turn] DON!!-2 (You may return the specified number of DON!! to your DON!! deck) Choose one of the following effects:
•If your hand is 5 or less cards, draw 1 card.
•Give up to one of your opponents Characters -2 cost during this turn.
I didn't expect King to be in this set, I expected Rayleigh, but there's still Black and Yellow left for the Leader spot, Anyway King effect is meh in my opinion, you either draw 1 or reduce a Character's cost, all by returning 2 DONs. Although I know Animal Kingdom have a lot of ramps, so losing 2 DONs might not be too bad at all, but I do wish King could do more as a Leader. |
Monday, March 25, 2024
COTD - OP08-002 Marco, Three Brother & Ryuma Promos
Red Blue Leader
4 Life / 5000 Power (Special)
Whitebeard Pirates
[DON!!x1] [Activate:Main] [Once Per Turn] Draw one card, then place one card from your hand on the top or bottom of your deck. Then give up to one of your opponents characters -2000 for this turn.
Sunday, March 24, 2024
OP06 Green/Blue (Zoro & Sanji) Deck Profile
The first duel Leader in the game, but we don't get any dual Leader effects which is a shame. I think it will be awesome if we get 2 different kind of effects because they are dual Leader, but maybe that is me who thinks that way, and it may be too broken. For this Leader, I've came up with 2 different build as I think both builds will be able to make use of the Leader's effect, although one might be way better than the other because of the engine used in the build. Although because this have two builds, there is a lot of sections, so if you don't care about reading, just scroll all the way down for the deck list.
COTD - OP08-021 Carrot
Green Leader
5 Life / 5000 Power (Special)
[Activate:Main] [Once per Turn] If you have a character with the {Minks} type in play, rest up to one of your opponents cost 5 or less characters.
So far its okay, seeing how the Green removals only KO 4 cost or less rested Characters unless the Minks cards target higher cost. Otherwise I don't really see how this will surpass Perona's effect. I know Perona has the help of Black, whereas Carrot only got Green as the card pool. More important lets hope they give us some good Event cards we could use for Carrot as the current ones are pretty meh or high cost to pull them off. |
Saturday, March 23, 2024
OP06 Green/Black (Perona) Deck Profile
Perona is very handy as we are able to rest high cost Characters thanks to the Black style of reducing Character costs. But I won't be running Great Eruption in this build, and to be honest, you won't need Great Eruption anyway as this deck will work perfectly fine without it. Personally, this deck is a very control deck as we will have ways to stop your opponents from doing what they want.
COTD - OP08-001 Tony.Tony.Chopper
Red/Green Leader
4 Life / 5000 Power (Strike)
Animal / Drum Kingdom / Straw Hat Crew
[Activate:Main] [Once per Turn] Put up to 1 rested DON!! each on up to 3 of your [Animal] or [Drum Kingdom] type characters.
Well it is time for some OP08 reveals and this is finally my 100 post for the blog. I am surprised we are doing red/green for Chopper, I know Red have got some Animal type but I am not sure if Green got any. Maybe they will make Drum Kingdom Green? Who knows too early to judge, but most likely it will mainly be a red deck with a splash of green. I think that is what will happen with these multicoloured Leaders. But I do like his effect, we are going to utilise more of the rested DON side for red, so not too bad, making those cards hit the magic number. I think we can run more cards that utilise rested DONs, so we don't need active DONs to power up our Characters. |
Friday, March 22, 2024
OP06 Green/Yallow (Yamato) Deck Profile
For this build, I will be providing 2 different builds, as both build will still provide the same aggressiveness this Leader gives, but two very different type. I will be using Land of Wano and Sky Island build for using Yamato Leader. It really depends in what you prefer more, but I guess having 2 deck builds with give you a general idea. I personally prefer the deck that suits my style more, so I won't say which builds will be better.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
OP06 Red/Purple (Uta) Deck Profile
We got another FILM Uta build. But this one uses Red/Purple as we have Purple FILM Starter deck, whilst Green Uta FILM doesn't use any Purple at all. I guess this is good for people who brought the Purple FILM Starter deck and don't need to worry about that deck being rotten away. I'm glad Bandai remembers about that deck unlike Digimon. Anyway before I get off topic, I think this build is more casual build compare to Green Uta who is more competitive, but I guess it's up to you in who you prefer using as the deck.
Monday, March 18, 2024
OP06 Green (Hody) Deck Profile
The power of Fishmen, but I was actually surprised how well this deck can spam Characters to the field with ease. The only problem is the defence of the deck. I couldn't really find any good Event cards that could go well with this build, so if you get rushed, it will hurt a bit if you don't use Counters. But I guess the best defence is the best offence. There is one major issue with this build and I hope this problem will be fixed in future sets.
Sunday, March 17, 2024
OP06 Blue/Purple (Reiju) Deck Profile
I thought this was the next budget build, but the SR Reiju is pretty good outside Germa 66 deck, so it wasn't a surprise seeing SR Reiju price (at the time this was written). But then again the prices for most of the SR in this set is more expensive than the last set, whether if the set was short printed or not. Maybe its short printed that made the cards more expensive (like YGO) or its just the SR cards are really good in this set. Anyway I do like the style Reiju deck plays where we can fill up the board with big cost Characters.
Saturday, March 16, 2024
One Piece Ban List ENG Format (Effective from June 21, 2024)
I've pretty much knew this would be the same as the JP Format, because you know its Bandai, and they have done the same ban list with Digimon as well, but with Digimon the meta is slightly different for ENG and JP Format, so some cards make no sense, whereas One Piece meta is pretty much the same as JP Format. This is why I've already prepared to take out some cards and not post Akainu build to save time seeing how EB01 is 2 months away. I need to get the decks posted as soon as possible. Unless I can get more people to help with the blog.
OP08 Two Legends Art Revealed
I saw this art and I'm very excited about OP08. I think because I can skip OP07 when it comes to deck supports. I see Rayleigh and Whitebeard as the cover. Does this also mean we will see Gold Roger? I think its about time, because of the title Two Legends. Maybe, maybe not seeing the arts is that they are past prime Rayleigh and Whitebeard, whilst Gold Roger was still alive when they are young. I've still have the Whitebeard cards, but I will need to dismantle my deck if I want to play Whitebeard deck again.
Friday, March 15, 2024
OP06 Black (Moria) Deck Profile
I'm going to make this build a bit different as I won't be running Great Eruption in case the card does get banned in English. The possibility is very high if Bandai decided to follow the exact ban list as the JP Meta. The replacement for the deck is very easy. But if Great Eruption is not banned in English, then I guess we could just use that card instead of the replacement I am using in this build.
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Will One Piece Follows Digimon Schedule?
I personally think One Piece should follow this kind of schedule from Digimon. Catching up to the sets and have simultaneous release, so us ENG format players doesn't have to wait 2-3 sets just to play the decks we want. Plus on the bright side, the cards will not have a price jump if we don't know what will the JP meta looks like.
Saturday, March 9, 2024
OP05 Red (Ace) Deck Profile
Ace is still usable in this meta with the new cards added to the build. The deck will have more control cards thanks to OP05 stuff. It might be not be everyone liking since this is red and the word control in red can be non existent, since when we look at red, it will most likely be an aggro deck in most mana tcg games. Not to mention since Ace is Whitebeard Pirates, we will be able to access the Whitebeard cards just like Whitebeard deck.
Friday, March 8, 2024
RIP Akira Toriyama
Some very sad news today, I know it's not related to One Piece, but Bandai does have DBS Card Game and it's Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball, a very popular series. Even if you haven't watch the series, you would have heard the name in the anime world. Honestly, I didn't expect him to be this young at 68 considering Dragon Ball manga came out in 1980s. I was expecting him to be older than that.
Thursday, March 7, 2024
One Piece Shortages Fixed?
Well if this is true, I might just wait for the price drops if they are printing more OP05, 06 and 07. However, what I do want is OP01-04 sets along with the first starter decks for One Piece. I think those sets are very important for new players especially when they weren't available at that time. But if you are planning to pre order some boxes, you might as well wait until after May. I guess now it will depends on the pricing of the singles to make me judge if I should wait or not to get the cards.
Sunday, March 3, 2024
One Piece Ban List (JP Format) Effective April 1 2024, New Sakazuki Leader!
If I know Bandai, we might also get this in ENG format seeing how Digimon has the same ban list for both ENG and JP format, even though in Digimon, the meta is different in the west compared to the east. Although for One Piece, the meta is relatively close so I won't be surprised if they just do the same ban list as JP format. Anyway, we also got a new replacement for Sakazuki Leader, but he's a promo and when it comes to promos, I have no idea when will they get release in English. But hey at least Sakazuki gets a new card, unlike DBS where they just errata the text instead of making a new card instead.
About Me

- Raikishi
- A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.
I guess Uta is back again with another FILM upgrades from EB01 set and the two cards make the deck changed a lot compare to the previous bui...
Personally, I've wanted Kuma as the Leader over Bonney after reading his past in the manga, but Bonney will do. Anyway, a very control d...
The way I've built Ace will be the same way that I did with Black/Yellow Luffy. Mostly Yellow cards with a splash of blue, as the blue s...
Now, we've got 2 black Lucci, so I will need to add their set version so people won't get confused in which one I'll be talking ...
I didn't post an EB01 version of this build because it was 1 card changed, so I've waited until OP07 to post this build. I've ch...