At first, I thought I could make a Kuja Pirates/Amazon Lily build, but unfortunately Bandai didn't give me enough Kuja Pirates/Amazon Lily until OP08 arrives. So right now I will be sticking with Seven Warlord builds for this deck. What I like about this Hancock Leader is that we can draw cards when we have low hand size, meaning we could also use Counters early since we don't want to take a lot of Life if it result in increasing our hand size dramatically. The build is very simple, mostly keeping them Seven Warlord based.
Starting off with the blue style of the deck, returning cards back to your or your opponent's hand to trigger Hancock Leader's effect. The only exception is OP06 Pudding who targets your opponent's hand rather than the field. OP06 Pudding works on play, your opponent returns all cards from their hand to their deck and shuffles their deck. Then, your opponent draws 5 cards. Pudding is to prevent your opponent from gaining a massive hand size, and since we have plenty of draw power, it is really easy to draw into OP06 Pudding to use her on play effect.
OP07 Crocodile only has one simple effect, on play, by paying 1 DON, returning one 2 cost or less Character to the owner's hand. This effect doesn't need to target your opponents, we can also target our own cards as Hancock Leader doesn't require you to return cards from your opponent's field. However, if you are hard playing Crocodile and want to trigger his effect, you will need 5 DONs altogether, but even if we are not playing him, the 2k counter will come in handy.
I also like OP07 Law's effect very much and works similar to OP03 Issho's effect. The effect is an activate main, so we can play Law and wait until we meet the requirements of this effect. You may return this Character to the owner's hand, if your opponent have 6 or more cards in their hand, your opponent places 1 card from their hand to the bottom of their deck. Another annoying card for your opponent when it comes to targeting their hand size. OP06 Pudding can target their massive hand whilst Law can target their hand if they got 6 cards. Plus since OP07 Law is a Seven Warlords, he is more easier to search whereas Pudding will rely on draw power.
Another card we can run is ST12 Pudding, I personally think ST12 Pudding works perfectly with Hancock Leader's effect. The effect is very simple, it is an activate main effect where you can return this card to the owner's hand. This will trigger Hancock Leader's effect plus we also have 2k counter on this card. Either way its nice to have in the build to get low hand size so we could trigger the draw ability from Hancock.
Most of these cards are more like hand filters than draw power card, so we will be filtering out the cards we won't be needing to cards we will be needing. Kaya has a simple effect, on play, draw 2 cards and trash 2 cards. A good turn 1 to play to filter out our hand, but other than that, during mid to late games, we would most likely use her for the 2k counter so we could reduce our hand size down to 5 or less to trigger Hancock's effect. She does work with OP07 Crocodile being a 2 cost or less Character, so we can easily get this card back to our hand if we needed to.
OP05 Kaido is a 12k beat stick we can have with a decent amount of draw power if we need that extra draw to survive your opponent's attacks. The effect works on play, if your opponent have 3 or less Life, draw 4 cards. 3 Life is very easy to get especially if they are running multicoloured Leaders who start at 4 Life, so just 1 attack needed, and you will meet the requirements for Kaido's effect. He is also very strong in this build as we are maintain low hand size in order to trigger Hancock Leader's effect.
ST03 Mihawk have the exact same effect as Kaya except instead of on play effect, he works when attacking, and you will need to attach a DON to Mihawk if you want to trigger the effect. Draw 2 cards and trash 2 cards. The plus side is that he is a Seven Warlord, so it will be easier to search for Mihawk rather than Kaya, both cards will have 2k counters if you are not using them, the only difference is that Mihawk will become a 6k beat stick compare to Kaya's 0 power.
Seven Warlords Supports
Now, we've got the rest of the Seven Warlords and the support for this build. OP01 Doffy is a Blocker with an on play effect, look at top 5 cards of your deck and place them on top or bottom in any order. This effect works especially well in this build as we've got plenty of draw power, so we want to know what card we would draw into, and if we need those cards now or not.
OP07 Jinbe has a simple effect, on play, play one 4 cost or less Seven Warlords Character other than Jinbe from your hand. Almost all the Seven Warlords are 4 cost or less in this build, so you will be able to target most of them, plus we can reduce our hand size easier rather than using counter to trigger Hancock's Leader effect.
OP07 Sengoku is just a searcher, on play, look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Seven Warlord card and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Well Sengoku is not a Warlord, he is a Navy card which is why we don't have other than Sengoku in this search effect like most searchers.
Now the main Warlord card OP07 Hancock. The effect is very simple, on play, up to 1 of your opponent's Characters other than Luffy cannot attack until the end of your opponent's next turn. Then, place one 1 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. We can stall for a turn so we don't need to deal with any high power cards, but the last part of the effect mainly targets 1 drop decks unless we can mix in cost reducers to make the full use of the last effect.
As for the Events, I am running 3 different ones. Mostly, it will be fine running just Red Roc and Gravity Blade, but I want to make use of the hand size to trigger Hancock's Leader effect which is why I am running Rain in the build. Rain is the typical Counter card that any colours will have the same effect, the counter effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader/Character gains 3k power this battle. Trashing a card in our hand will help to get 5 or less cards in hand, so we don't need to worry about the non counter cards. The trigger effect is return one 2 cost or less Characters to the owner's hand. Again, this does not have to be your opponents as you could target Kaya or Sengoku to trigger their on play effects again.
Red Roc is a removal, the main effect is place 1 Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. This effect literally make us remove any Characters we want so we don't have to face those Characters for a while. Plus we can also trigger Hancock's Leader effects to draw a card as we only need remove a Character with your effect. The Trigger effect is place one 4 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. Thanks to this effect, we might be able to stop 1 attack from attacking your cards.
Gravity Blade is mainly against field with more than 1 Character which can be handy if your opponents plans on going wide against you. The main effect is place two 6 cost or less Characters to the bottom of the owner's deck. The downside to this effect is that they would have to be 6 cost or less Characters, but Red Roc can do the rest if it's a high cost Character. The trigger effect is similar to Red Roc, place one 5 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. So instead of targeting 4 cost or less, we can broaden the range to 5 cost or less which might be useful against some 5 cost Characters.
Deck List
OP07 Hancock |
I've mentioned before, we can use counters early on in the game so we can have 5 or less cards in hand to trigger Hancock's Leader effect. You also have plenty of cards in this build who can return stuff to your or your opponent's hand as Hancock doesn't need to specify to be your opponent's Characters in order to draw a card. The deck is very straightforward, as long as you maintain 5 or less and can bounce stuff, you will be able to trigger Hancock's effect, but you also don't want to be too greedy and use up your hand, as we want to save some counters against your opponent's high power Characters.
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