Sunday, June 2, 2024

COTD - ST15-003 Kingdew


Red Character

3 Cost / 4000 Power (Strike)

Whitebeard Pirates

[Counter +1000]


[Opponent’s Turn] When this Character is K.O'd by your opponent's effect, up to 1 of your Leader gains +2000 power during this turn.

This is not bad for a Blocker. If you opponents want to KO Kingdew, then we would get a 8k Whitebeard. Of course, your opponents can wait until you use Kingdew's Blocker, or they have returning effects to return Kingdew to your hand or deck. Although there are ways to get around this effect, so I don't think your opponents really care, unless we have multiple of Kingdew on the field, stopping your opponents to use KO effects against your Characters.


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