Friday, August 9, 2024

OP07 Purple/Yellow (Crocodile) Deck Profile

There's not much of an update for this build, although EB01 version might be better as that deck have more control cards compare to this build who focus more on spamming low power Characters. Of course with Crocodile effect who only works on your opponent's turn, it means some cards we want to use just won't work. I mean, we could add that card to the build, but it will take a while to trigger the effect.


The ramp is the same as we will be returning plenty of DONs back to DONs deck, so having these ramp cards will help us recover. Also, they will let us play our high cost Characters as soon as possible. EB01 Ms Wednesday is a Blocker with an effect that works during your opponent's attacks. By returning 1 DON, if your Leader includes Baroque Works type, add 1 DON as active. Thanks to this effect, if we combine with Crocodile Leader, we could get 2 active DONs, and you will be gaining an extra DON.

EB01 Bon Clay have 2 effects, the first effect works on play add 1 DON as active. This is just a simple ramp effect. The second effect works when attacking, select 1 of your opponent's Characters. This Character's base power becomes the same power as the selected Character during this turn. So the more power your opponent has on the field, the better Bon Clay becomes.

Mr.13 & Ms Friday has an activate main effect, you may trash this Character and 1 of your Baroque Works Characters to add 1 DON as active. This is great as most of our Baroque Works Characters have low power, so they will be mainly useless once you used their on play effects. You could even use this after Bon Clay attacks as he will revert back to 1k power during your opponent's turn. The trigger effect is play this card.

OP05 Zala works on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to add 1 DON as rest. This is just a simple ramp effect, except we do need to discard a card for the cost. The trigger effect is by returning 1 DON, play this card. You will be able to play Zala for free thanks to Crocodile Leader effect, although if you already used Crocodile's effect, then you will be -1 DON. But not like it matters as having less DONs can put some advantages to this build.

Baroque Works Support

Now we've got the rest of the Baroque Works cards to make the deck which is not a lot. OP04 Crocs have 2 effects, the first effect works on play, by returning 2 DONs, if your Leader includes Baroque Works type, add the top card of your deck to top of your Life. So we get a Life gain ability which is very handy. The second effect works during your opponent's attacks, by returning 1 DON, draw and discard 1. This is just a hand filter effect, but we can get an untap DON thanks to the Leader's effect unless you also have Ms Wednesday on the field.

Mikita is just a searcher, the effect works on pay, look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 card including Baroque Works type and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. I guess the good thing about this search effect is that we can search for any cards including Mikita herself. Plus, we can sack her using Mr 13 & Ms Friday's effect for the ramp and clear the low power cards. The trigger effect is by returning 1 DON play this card. Again, this will help to get untap DONs combining with Crocodile Leader's effect.

The last Baroque Works card is an Event Okama Way for short. The counter effect is by returning 1 DON, if your Leader includes Baroque Works type, select 1 of your Characters and change the attack target to that Character. This will means a lot of things, we could trigger on KO's effect or switch to a high power Character to protect our Leader. The trigger effect is by returning 1 DON, draw 2 cards. This is very nice to have, although I would prefer the counter effect as it can act as a protection.

Using The Life Area

I think there's only 1 card in this section that is not a Life gain card, but they still use the Life area. OP03 Katakuri only works on play, place one 8 cost or less Character to the top or bottom of the owner's Life face up. This can be your own Characters or your opponents. It really depends on the situation. You could use this as a removal to remove one of your opponent's Characters, but not permanently, just stalling for turns.

OP04 Yamato works on play, KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost equal or less than the number of Life cards on both player's field. Then, if you have 1 or less Life, add the top card of your deck to top of the Life. We can use Crocodile first if we don't have 1 or less Life since having Life gain can really help. Although for the removal side, it depends on what stage you play Yamato. If you want to KO 1 of your opponent's Characters, then you might have to ignore the Life gain effect and play Yamato early for the KO effect.

Kiku is an important card for this build as we got ways to trigger the on KO effect even if your opponents doesn't attack him. The on KO effect is if your opponent has 3 or less Life, add the top card of your deck to top of your Life. It will be important to get your opponent's Life down to 3 as soon as possible if you want to trigger this effect, but also the trigger effect. The trigger effect is if your opponent has 3 or less Life, play this card.

OP06 Hiyori can be nice to have in the build as we are running a few trigger cards in this build. The effect works on play, add 1 card from the top or bottom of your Life to your hand to add 1 card from your hand to top of your Life card. The cards you add from Life to hand will be about luck and hope it is not a card that has a trigger effect you want to trigger, otherwise you will have to place it back.

Now the final Life gain card is ST07 Big Mom, however, your opponents will be choosing the effect and not you. The effect works on play, your opponent chooses one of the following, either trash their Life or you add the top card of your deck to top of your Life. This will depends on the situation, if you can deal until they have 1 Life left, they may not want to trash their last Life and give you a Life gain.

OP07 Supports

Now for the OP07 supports I am running these 2 cards, now you don't have to run either of them, or just use one of them and replace 1 of them with something else. It is up to you to decide. OP07 Sanji is just a Blocker, but we have an effect that works from hand. If the number of DONs on your field is at least 2 less than your opponents, reduce this Character cost by 3. This will means we could play Sanji for 3 instead of 6, and we do have plenty of cards who return DONs back to deck, so we can easily get less DONs than your opponents.

I've decided to add Porche because of the amount of low power cards we've got in the build. The effect works on play, by returning 1 DON, look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Foxy Pirates and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order and play up to one 4k power or less purple Character from your hand. The only Foxy Pirates card I am running is Porche, so the search effect will not matter, what I am aiming for is the last part of the effect where we can play low power for free, especially the ramp cards who all meet this requirements.


Now, the final 2 Event cards will be these 2. Who Should Disappear is a 0 cost Event with a counter effect. You may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader or Characters gains 3k power this battle. The trigger effect is if you have 0 Life, you may add the top card of your deck to top of your Life, then trash 1 card. This trigger effect will be all about luck in order to work.

Blast Breath is nice to have because of the counter effect, by returning 1 DON, 1 of your Leader or Characters gains 4k power this battle. This will also trigger Crocodile Leader's effect as we are returning DONs back to deck to have 1 untap DON available to use, or that 1 untap DON can be used for Blast Breath as 4k power is a lot.

Deck List

OP07 Crocodile


The main aim of this build is to ramp as much as possible so you can play your big drops easily to start gaining Life. Crocodile should be the priority as he sets up the Life as well as the Leader's effect, plus being a 9k beat stick is really handy to have on the field. Yamato is the last card we want to play as we want that Life gain effect to make the game last as long as possible. Obviously Big Mom can play a role especially when your opponents are at low health, they would really want to trash their Life as it will means they will be in danger for the high beat stick attacks. But it is definitely all about how you use the Life gains in this build to make the full use of the big costs and swing at your opponents.

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